11 Ways To Make A Baby Stop Crying In Every Situation

Ways To Make A Baby Stop Crying In Every Situation are being discussed here.When a child cries, should we be ignorant of weeping or gathering and comforting the baby?Parents know that crying of newborns baby is the main way of communication. But all the same it seems . How to react and how to calm the child, is very important for every parents.

Scientific research shows that the brain is biologically programmed to respond instantly to baby crying. In this way, children under three years of age express any emotions – not just sadness or discontent. They can cry  because of anger, fear, interest, misunderstanding, anxiety and even joy. They still do not speak well enough and do not understand well what is happening to them. So it’s not always possible to explain what happened. How to respond when a child cries? A few tips.

Do not say: “Do not cry!”

Often adults think, if the child stops crying, it will become easier. In fact, phrases like “Stop crying” make it clear that you do not take seriously his experiences, do not understand what he feels. And his message will become even louder and more disturbing.The task of parents is to help the child learn how to regulate emotions, to cope with them in a more positive way. To do this, you need to treat the child with compassion and understanding.

Do not try to distract him

Many believe that the most effective way to calm a child is to switch his attention, to distract from what caused tears.  But this way we lose the opportunity to strengthen our connection with him and teach him to cope with his experiences.

Yes, if a child fights with a peer because of a toy, it will be right to distract him with another toy. But if the baby cries because he don’t want to wear a shoe and mother try to switch his intention, this will disturb him a lot.Trying to switch his attention will only lead to his crying even louder and more desperate. So he tries to be heard.

WHAT You Must SAY In Order To Influence The Ways To Make A Baby Stop Crying

First of all, calm yourself. If you are angry, unhappy or stressed, your words will only further upset the child. Take a couple of deep breaths, realize your feelings, pay attention to bodily sensations – heart palpitations, compressed jaws, tension … When you feel relieved, help calm down the child. That’s what you can say.

1. “I’m with you. I will help. “
Even if a child claims that he does not need your help, he wants to know that you will always support him if necessary.

2. “I see that it’s hard for you”
This simple phrase will show the child that you do not ignore him, but you see and hear perfectly.

3. “I understand that you are sad (you are disappointed, frightened, happy). It’s okay.
Remind him that it’s the emotions that make us people.

4. “It was very unpleasant (hard, sad)”
When you pay attention to an event that provoked tears, you and the child help to understand the cause of his emotions and understand what to do next.

5. “Let’s take a break”
If you are both a little distanced from the situation that caused tears, you will help the child understand that sometimes it is worth “stepping aside” to calm down and pull yourself together. Perhaps he was tired or overexcited, and he just needs a little peace and quiet.

6. “I love you. You are safe. “
It is often important for a child that you hug him or hold him by the hand. So he will feel that you really want to help him.

Do you want a break? / Do not want to try again?”
If a child is going through something that does not work out for him, he needs to either relax a little from emotional stress, or try again – this time with a little help adults. It is important to ask him – what exactly he wants now. Do not order or decide for him. So you give him confidence, help you feel your importance and importance.

8. “I hear you cry, but I do not know what you need. Will you help me to understand? “
Even if the child can not immediately formulate what is bothering him, you give him the opportunity to learn it.

9. “I remember how you were then …”
This may seem like a switch of attention, but it’s a little bit of another. Remind the child of a moment when he felt happy and happy. This way you will help him learn to think more rationally.

Do not try to appeal to the mind of an overexcited child – it’s all as if to negotiate with a small dictator. He is not ready to listen to your arguments when completely absorbed in feelings – be it helplessness, anger, sadness or fatigue.

10. “Let’s think of something together”
It is very important that eventually the child learns to solve some problems independently. If you show him how you can cope with emotions, thereby helping him learn to look at the situation more objectively and independently seek solutions.

11. Silently show love and support
Be a support for the child, a source of strength and empathy.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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