What Is Varicose Veins;Symptoms,Prevention And Surgical Treatment

Varicose veins are veins that dilate and  causes change in blood flow between the legs and the heart.Varicose veins usually appear on the thighs, on the front or back of the calves or  inside of the legs.During pregnancy,varicose veins may appear on the inside of the thighs, and the lower part of the pelvis.

What Is Varicose Veins;Symptoms,Prevention And Surgical Treatment

Varicose Veins Symptoms

The most common clinical manifestations are:

  • Heaviness of legs.
  • Appearance of varicose veins with visible veins.
  • Edema.
  • Swelling.
  • Appearance of pain
  • Cramps.
  • Cramming sensation.
  • In more advanced stages of the disease may appear venous ulcers, ocher dermatitis (darkening of the skin), or bleeding in complicated varicose veins

Prevention of varicose veins

The best way to prevent the formation of varicose veins or varicose veins is to maintain a healthy life as follows :

• Avoid smoking , as it damages the circulation and impairs the health of the body as a whole
• Overweight can be one of the causes, in this case it is recommended to seek the advice of a doctor
• Avoid using tight or uncomfortable shoes because only contribute to the development of pain and varicose veins.

  • Control weight . Obese people have a significant predisposition to the condition. With the accentuated increase in body weight, the tendency of varicose veins is increasing, becoming thicker. If the weight is normal, the treatment is easier.
  • Avoid carrying weight or doing high-impact physical activities , such as bodybuilding. These activities cause a greater tension in the vessels and, consequently, the veins dilate, helping to form the varicose veins.
  • Do not subject your body to prolonged exposure to high temperatures such as in saunas, tanning sessions and long hot baths. This exposure also causes vessel dilatation.
  • Get in the habit of resting with your legs elevated . This contributes to the blood flowing through the body, since when lying down, the feet will be higher than the heart.
  • Pay attention to enjoyable activities such as walking and hiking . Good humor also helps a lot. Bitter people, constantly stressed and overloaded, or without leisure moments, tend to present more varicose veins due to the increased tension in the vessels.

Risk Factors for Appearance of Varicose Veins

Factors that increase the risk of developing varicose veins include:

  • Pregnancy
  • Advanced age
  • Excess weight and obesity
  • Family history of varicose veins
  • Spend a lot of time standing
  • Conditions that increase pressure in the abdomen, such as liver disease, fluid in the abdomen or heart failure
  • Arteriovenous fistulas
  • Past deep vein thrombosis

Do varices cause other health problems?

In most cases, no: what bothers the most is the same aesthetic factor. However, in some cases, some symptoms may appear, such as:

  • Pain, burning, or feeling of heaviness in the legs, which may be more pronounced at the end of the day
  • Mild swelling, usually involving only the feet and ankles
  • Itchy skin on the varicose vein.

The most severe symptoms of varicose veins are:

  • Fluid build-up and swelling in the leg
  • Swelling and calf pain with significant pain after sitting or standing for a long time
  • Changes in skin color around the ankles and legs
  • Dry, stretched skin

Surgical Treatment Of Varicose Veins

  • Sclerotherapy for varicose veins is a procedure used for small varicose veins where the doctor injects substances that cause sclerosis (destruction and healing) of the selected vein. As this vein stops receiving blood, it becomes useless, and over time the body eliminates it. It is a technique that requires repetition, but it does not require anesthesia and can be performed in the office itself. However, to be effective it needs to be done by trained doctors.
  • Laser surgery for varicose veins : used also in small varicose veins and teleangiectasias, consists of the destruction of these small vessels through the application of laser. It is a procedure that does not need needles or incisions. It is not as efficient as sclerotherapy and it is not all skin types that can receive the laser pulses. It works best in teleangiectasias (“vasinhos”).
  • Varicose vein catheter ablation : indicated in larger caliber varicose veins. A small tube (catheter) is inserted into the vein, which can be destroyed by heat (intravenous laser) or radiofrequency.
  • Surgery for varicose veins : consists of surgical removal of the varicose vein. Currently, this type of surgery is done with minimal incisions and hospitalization usually does not last a day. When the varicose veins are very small, this procedure can be done until outpatient.

by Abdullah Sam
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