All Types of Bones In Human Body With All Names

Types of Bones In Human Body With All Names are being discussed in this article.There are 206 bones in the human body form the skeleton and they are divided in long bones (femur), short bones (phalanxes) and flat bones etc.The bone internal cavities are filled with a soft tissue:

The bones of the head are divided into those of the Skull, Ear, and Face. The skull is not one continuous bone, but is composed of eight distinct parts united by ragged edges somewhat like saw-teeth, called sutures. These bones are also composed of two thin plates or tablets,united by a spongy, porous portion of bone. The outside plate is

tough and fibrous; the inside one hard and glassy, and hence called the vitreous plate. The skull contains the Brain, and we here see the wisdom displayed in guarding that important and sensitive organ.

The outside plate being tough and yielding, and the spongy portion between the two, serve to diminish the vibrations and shocks in cases of falls and blows. The skull being composed of several bones is also calculated to prevent fractures from extending as far as they otherwise would, if it was one continuous bone. In all this we see
the hand of Intelligence and Wisdom. And there is probably no science in the world, or collection of facts, which contains so much and so conclusive evidence of the Wisdom and Design of a Great First Cause, as that of the anatomy of the human body.

Bones op the Head.
Frontal bone—which constitutes the front part of the head, or the forehead.

Parietal, or side hones—one on each side, extending from near the ear to the
top of the head.
Nasal bones, or bones of the Lose.
Occipital bone which is at the back and lower part of the head.
Temporal, or Temple bone—below the Parietal, one on each side, to which the ear is attached.
Besides these there are what are called the Sphenoid and the Ethmoid bones, which are at the base of the skull, and back of the nose, and can not be shown in the plate.

The Sphenoid forms the floor of the skull, and has numerous holes or openings through it, affording passages for the nerves and blood vessels.

Malar, or cheek-bone—one on each side

Superior and Inferior Maxillary bones—or bones of the upper and lower Jaws.Besides the bones I have named, there are several smaller ones in the head and face, as the small bones of the ear, and others not necessarily to mention.

Bones of the Trunk.

The Spinal Column : The vertebrae or bones of the spinal column, or back-bone,are twenty-four in number, and are divided into three parts. The first seven of them,which form the bones of the neck (9) are called the Cervical vertebrae. The next twelve (x.) which constitute the back-bone proper, are called the Dorsal vertebrae.
The ribs are attached to these. The remaining five (14) constituting the loins or small of the back, are called the Lumbar vertebrae.

Each vertebra is a separate bone, joined by cartilage, and is of a peculiar shape;yet is so very similar to the vertebrae of the common animals, with which it is presumed every person is so familiar that it needs no description. There is a hole through each one, which, when they are joined together, in the column, constitute a canal or tube, for containing the spinal marrow or cord.

The Sternum, or Breast bone. In the child this bone consists of eight pieces.,which become united, so as to consist of but three pieces in the adult.
 The Ribs. They are attached to the spinal column behind, and the first or upper seven, called the true ribs, to the sternum in front. The lower five, called the false ribs are not attached to the sternum. They are usually attached in front to the lower true ribs, by cartilage

The Sacrum, or sacred bone, so called because it was offered in sacrifice by the ancients. The lower end of this bone is called the coccyx, or os coccygis. It is a small, separate bone, and terminates the spine.

Os Innominata, or nameless bone, the top of which forms the hip bone. This part of the bone is called the ilium; the lower part the ischium ; and where the two unite in front, the pubis. In the sides of these large bones (the os innominata) near the lower part, is a deep socket, like a cup, called the acetabulum, in which the head of the femur, or thigh bone is placed. These two large bones, with the sacrum and coccyx, constitute what is called the Pelvis.

Bones of the Upper Extremities.
The Collar bone, called the Clavicle. It unites at one end with the sternum or breast bone, and at the other with the head of the shoulder blade, and serves to keep the shoulders apart and elevated. There are two of them, one on each side.
The Scapula or shoulder blade. It is a thin, flat bone, of a triangular shape placed on the outside of the ribs, back of and below the shoulder. It has a large head, containing a cavity or socket called the glenoid cavity, which receives
the upper end of the humerus, and to which it is attached.
 The Humerus, or bone of the upper arm.
The Radius, or bone of the fore arm which turns with the hand in its rotary movements. This bone is situated on the outside of the arm—the thumb sides—and articulates or joins with the bones of the wrist to form the wrist joint.
The Ulna—the inside bone of the arm, which articulates with the humerus at the elbow, to form the elbow-joint. It is the bone by which the muscles bend the fore arm.
The Carpus, or wrist—composed of eight little bones of peculiar shapes in two rows, and so firmly bound together as to permit of only a small amount of movement.
 The Metacarpus—or the five bones constituting the palm of the hand. The first range of the bones of the fingers and thumb is attached to them.

The Phalanges, or bones of the fingers.

The phalanges of the fingers have three ranges of bones, or three joints, while the thumb has but two.

by Abdullah Sam
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