3 Common Types of Anxiety;You Must Know

Types of Anxiety are being discussed in this article.Anxiety is one of the great ills of our time. There are so many different types and there  are still more and more extensive classifications. It is not so strange if we take into account that the times we live are often too demanding and the balance between ourselves and others is dynamic.

Anxiety is one of the faces of fear . But, unlike fear in itself, it is not caused by a concrete stimulus. Fear is normal when dealing with a specific threat and you think your integrity is in danger. But anxiety is a type of fear that often does not have a definite cause, so it is difficult to intervene on the origin of the same or on factors that make it recurrent.

It is understood to be a prey to anxiety when you feel restless, insecure, and worried about “something” inaccurate or about something that you do not know how to deal with.  It’s like being in a free fall plane, though you actually sit in the living room watching television. It provokes agitation, irritation, annoyance, but you do not understand why.

There are various types of frequent anxiety. Some people prefer simply to call it stress or worry, but if you think about it a little longer, you realize that this is a very serious disorder. The positive aspect is that the various types of anxiety can be overcome.  To do this, the first thing to do is to know them a bit better.

General anxiety and social anxiety

Generalized anxiety disorder is defined as a constant state of concern, without a specific reason that causes it.  It lasts more than 6 months and, in general, is accompanied by sleep disorders, irritability, concentration problems and general fatigue.

Social anxiety, on the other hand, is a condition in which the person experiences fear or anxiety in all situations in which one has to interact socially with others. Simply said, you are afraid of contact with other people . In most cases it is  anticipatory, ie it is produced before the social contact takes place.

Both conditions significantly deteriorate the quality of life of people. It has been that they do not care for themselves with the passing of time,  as they are fueled by various elusive pipelines. It’s not bad times but situations that require professional treatment.

In most cases, short therapy is enough to keep the emotions coming under control.  Other times you need a longer path, but the probability of overcoming these conditions is, in any case, very high.

Obsessive disorders and post-traumatic stress

Obsessive disorders are of a different kind, but everyone has in common the fact that there is a persistent and intrusive idea that causes fear or anxiety.  So even if the person in question tries to get a certain idea out of his head, he fails. These obsessions can come to invade personality and produce a life-long paralysis.

Post-traumatic stress is the state of anxiety that arises after experiencing a traumatic experience.  It manifests itself as anxiety, difficulty sleeping, and, above all, how thought that what has already happened will happen again. It remains the person who suffers them in a constant state of alert, insecure and isolated.

In both cases, and depending on the severity of the symptoms, there are several ways to overcome the problem. Practicing some relaxation methods can greatly contribute to reducing anxiety  and increasing concentration capacity. If these methods are not effective, professional therapy is an excellent alternative with great chances of success.

Agoraphobia and hypochondria

Agoraphobia has become one of the most common types of anxiety of our time. It is a widespread fear of all those situations in which you think you do not have an escape route or where you can not get help if you are suffering from a panic attack. In other words, the person thinks he might have a panic attack and that under certain circumstances he could not escape or receive help. In some ways, this is a fear of fear itself.

The number of cases of agoraphobia increases every day, and those who suffer from it have great difficulty in leading a normal life. Something like this happens with hypochondrial people who catastrophically interpret any signal sent by their body. They suspect they have serious illness and feel that their condition may get worse at any time without anyone doing anything about it.

In both cases, it is advisable to practice some relaxation methods.  These help reduce or eliminate anxiety and better identify the signals that send us to our body. They also improve self-control. Regular physical activity helps in this regard. As in other cases, if it is not enough, the help of a professional is always the best alternative.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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