3 Types of Administrative Communication In Any Organization

Administrative communications may be divided into three general types.The importance of Administrative communication is the backbone of every organization. An example might be a conversation between two people face to face and telephone conversations. Interview transformed into verbal and written forms.

Types of Administrative Communication In Any Organization

1. Operational Communication.

All communications originated to facilitate the operation of the organization or incurred as a result of its operation. Included here are operating instructions, job descriptions and work standards, regulations (safety, performance, etc.), procedures, policy statements about company operations, directives, directors’ and planning committee meetings, organizational charts and duties, sales literature and aids, training literature and materials, bulletins (sales, service, administrative), operating and administrative manuals, certain financial and accounting reports, field service and sales reports, and so forth.

2. Situational Communication.

All communications created to deal with a specific situation or circumstance. These include most business letters and memos; telephone, teletype, and telegraph messages; non-institutional business and industrial journalism; conferences; staff meetings, and problem-solving discussions; most research; engineering, financial, and accounting reports; technical writing of most kinds; evaluation reports; demonstrations; conventions; and so forth.

3. Institutional Communication.

All communications created or required to further the customer, employee, and public relations goals of the organization. Within this classification, we would find most public relations communications, publicity, annual reports, promotional literature, goodwill “missiles,” descriptive literature, much business and industrial journalism, much nonverbal communication (such as the appearance of the building, its employees, cleanliness, etc.), letterheads and some other forms, employee and employment interviews and publications, pay-check inserts, non-operational films, etc.While this classification may be helpful in understanding the scope of administrative communication, the communication problems within each classification are basically the same.

In conclusion, effective administrative communication is crucial for the smooth functioning of any organization. By understanding and utilizing the various types of communication, organizations can ensure that information flows seamlessly, coordination is maintained, and employee engagement is enhanced. So, embrace the power of communication and foster a culture of open and effective dialogue within your organization.

by Abdullah Sam
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