8 Universal Self Control Techniques By Psychologists

Great Self Control Techniques By Psychologists are being discussed in this article.We set goals, we are motivated enough to achieve them and we want to change our habits. We know what is the change we need and which is useful to us, but we can not help it . Why do we continue to have dysfunctional behaviors while rationally knowing what’s best for us? We lack self-control!

Have you identified yourself in this description? It happened to everyone. For example, when it comes to following a diet, doing physical activity, or abandoning the smell of smoke … Do not despair! We can train and enhance self-control . Read on to know some useful resources for this purpose.

Whoever conquers men is strong, but whoever gains power is powerful.
Lao Tse

Use the self-log to work on self-control

The fact is that sometimes we can not avoid doing something that in reality is harmful to us. Rationally we know that we should control it, unfortunately, however, we have some relapse . We say phrases such as “Even if I eat a burger, nothing happens again, tomorrow I will resume my diet and lose weight”, “I decided to go to the gym 3 times a week, but I can even jump one”.

To begin exercising control in such situations, we see what is the first strategy we can use: the self-register. What is it? It consists in annotating in a sheet all the moments when we put into practice the behavior we want to avoid . Of course we do not have to be obsessed with it!

This exercise will allow us to realize how many times we do something that we want to avoid, so we can only start doing it from time to time. We can also annotate every time we replace inadequate behaviors with those that we want to have . In this way, we will exalt the effort made and will be a positive reinforcement for ourselves.

Self Control Techniques And How To Work On Them

Judgment assists self-control.

Psychologists suggest that one of the obstacles we encounter in exercising self-control has to do with the attributions and judgments about the responsibility of our actions. Our attribution system influences self-evaluation and, consequently, the behaviors we put in place .

If we think we are not responsible for the behaviors we have, self-control decreases. We believe we can not do anything to change the situation. So why try to do it? In addition, we manifest emotions such as the sadness that can lead to depression.

For this reason, it would be good to review our attribution system for our actions. We can do the following exercise: focus on the positive and negative events of the last week and report the degree of responsibility we have had in each of them.

It is important to report the percentage and the role played by personal, external factors or the case. In this way, we become more aware of reality . In addition, we must identify the situations we can improve the positive or negative consequences for us depending on our behavior.

Self-control sets goals

Sometimes the problem of self-control arises because the goals we preface are unrealistic . For example, if we have in mind never to eat more carbohydrates or to go to the gym 6 times a week, the chances of failure in the intent are high because it is a goal too rigid.

Consequently, it is important to move closer to reality. It is more feasible to set small targets or goals to reach gradually. In this way, we can increase more and more the level of self-reliance as we complete our goals.

However, they must be positive, realistic, specific, concrete, and easily controllable goals. The goal of going to the gym 6 times a week, for example, can be changed. We can start with 3 days a week for two months, then increase to 4 days for the next two months until we reach 6 days a week. It’s easier this way, is not it?

Conquering themselves is the greatest of the victories.

The most important thing is to strengthen self-control: let’s strengthen it!

Reinforcement is the simplest method to carry out some behavior and enhance it. What is it about? This is to reward this same attitude . We can do it in many ways: giving us a whim, how to go shopping, or with something less material, how to repeat that we are working well, fomenting positive emotions.

We can therefore create two list of reinforcements: in the first list we will indicate the activities for us rewarding. They have to change in terms of “size” so they assume different levels of reward based on the different behaviors we want to capture . In this sense, we could write “buy a sweet” until “going on a trip”.

n the second list we have to write the compliments we make to ourselves, emphasizing our virtues and qualities. We could write, for example, “I’m constant, I’ll do it!”, “I did a really good job!”, “I’m doing it well!”, Etc. These sentences have to be repeated immediately after implementing the behavior we want to enhance .

It’s important to be able to make and take full advantage of the tools that are available to you. You must be constant in training self-control because it is really the only way to strengthen it. It’s worth!

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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