Scope of Political Science With Its Nature And Importance

Understanding Scope of Political science is very much essential for Political science student.Politics is the process of formation and distribution of power in society.Political science as other social sciences deals with people as a society.Political philosophy seeks rational explanations. It Examines clearly the connection between  nature of the universe with the nature of the political life in this mortal world.Political Institutions are the are the particular the role of the constitution, the executive, the bureaucracy, the judiciary, the political parties and the electoral system, which encourages the formal formation of political science.

Understanding Politics

In the context of understanding politics, what needs to  understand  the power of political power, legitimacy, political system, political behavior, political participation, and political process. Political theory is also not separated from the implementation of politics, political theory is an activity on the concept of determining political objectives, how to achieve these goals and all consequences. In political theory there are several discussions, including political philosophy, the concept of political system, state, society, sovereignty, power, legitimacy, state institutions, social change, political development, political comparison.

Understanding Political Parties

Political parties are generally regarded as the manifestation of a modern political system . Therefore, today in new countries the political party has become a common political institution. In general it can be said that a political party is an organized group whose members have the same orientation, values ​​and ideals. The aim of this group is to gain political power and  political position – (usually) in a constitutional way for to implement their policies.

Scope of Political Science:

The definition of the scope of political science according to international bodies (UNESCO) includes:

1. The field of political theory
a. Political theory
b. History of the development of political ideas

2. Fields of political institutions
a. Basic Law
b. State government
c. Local Government
d. State administration
e. Comparison of political institutions

3. Division of party, group and general opinion
a. Political parties
b. Suppressor group
c. Citizen participation in government

4. The field of international relations
a. International politics
b. International organizations
c. International law

Because the overlap of political science with other sciences such as philosophy, economics, sociology, psychology and history, especially the sciences of the state (such as government, public administration, constitutional law, and state science itself), then the scope is so broad, and for more details the authors include as follows:

1) Government policy area
a. Government decision making
b. Delegation of authority system
c. Central and local relations

2) Political economy
a. World trade politics
b. Economic globalization
c. Influential economic poles

3) The field of political sociology
a. Assessment of the existence of interest groups
b. Assessment of the presence of pressure groups
c. The study of political culture

4) The field of political psychology
a. Mass mastery theory
b. Democratic theories

c. Normalization of community life
d. Political management of conflict
e. Political management of the collaboration

5) The field of political philosophy
a. Political ethics
b. Political logic
c. Political aesthetics
d. Political secularism
e. Religious Politics
f. Political restorics
g. Islamic politics

6) Field of public services
a. Local and central government administration
b. Organizational theories
c. Government management

7) Political rules
a. Changes and constitution formation
b. Legitimacy of power
c. Local and district regulations
d. Disintegration and dissolution of the state

e. Colonization and merging of the state.

Political ideology is a set of values, ideas, norms, beliefs and beliefs, which is owned by a person or group of people, on which he determines his attitude to the political event and problem. These values ​​and ideas are core systems. The basis of political ideology is the belief in the existence of  social and political order. Political ideology includes discussion and diagnosis, as well as the means ( prescription ) on how to achieve that ideal goal.. Examples of some ideologies or political doctrines such as Marxist-Leninist democracy, Liberalism, Facism and so on, among which Marxism-Leninism is an ideology whose doctrinal nature and militant nature is more prominent.

Political Theory

Theory is an abstract generalization of some phenomena. In constructing the generalization theory always uses concepts. The concept is born in the human mind and is therefore abstract, although facts can be used as a springboard.

Political theory is the discussion and generalization of phenomena that are political. In other words, political theory is a discussion and reflection on:

  1. The purpose of political activity
  2. Ways of achieving goals
  3. The possibilities and needs posed by a particular political situation
  4. The obligations imposed by the political objectives.

Political theories that essentially morally function primarily determine moral guidelines and standards that are in accordance with moral norms. And these moral theoretic theories fight for a moral purpose and on that basis establish an ethical code or ordinance that should be used in political life. The main function of these political theories is to educate citizens about the norms and values.

Parties, Groups, and General Income

  1. Political parties

A political party is a political organization that undergoes a certain ideology or is formed with a specific purpose. Another definition is an organized group whose members have the same orientation, values, and ideals. The aim of this group is to gain political power and seize the political position – (usually) in a constitutional way – to implement their policies.

  1. Groups and associations
  2. Citizen participation in government and administration

Examples of citizen participation:

  1. Family environment, for example: family deliberation; installer of state attribute on national day; read and follow news in the mass media and electronics.
  2. School environment, for example: election of class president, osis chairman, and others; manufacture of AD – ART in any organization that is followed; discussion forums or deliberations; create articles about student aspirations.
  3. Community environment, eg participation in citizen forums;election of head of RT, RW, etc.
  4. Environment of the nation and state, for example: using the right to vote in the election; become an active member of a political party; join peaceful rallies, and so on.

by Abdullah Sam
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