What Is Resentment In Psychology;10 Facts You Must Know

The resentment is one of the moods most studied psychology and philosophy. Nietzche has dedicated many passages to resentment . Resentment is also considered as one of the most damaging moods for individuals and for society.Resentment is feeling (re-feel), the anger that we lived in the past and that was caused by a person or situation.Those who feel resentment are resentful, because they have not been able to forgive.


The resentful person becomes distrustful, hostile, closed in on himself, melancholic and, sometimes, and aggressive.

Resentment Usually Occurs In Situations Such As :

  • Infidelity
  • Abuse
  • Lack of education or respect
  • lie
  • Aggression either physical or verbal.


If I told you that eliminating resentment is an easy task, I would lie to you. It is a process, and like any process, it requires following some steps.


The first thing you have to do is realize and recognize that you are experiencing resentment,. This is usually easy, because when you are feeling resentment you internally reiterate the cause of your disappointment. This awareness will make you separate for a moment from the emotion.


Whenever possible, ask what you want me to do to heal the pain (usually apologize, ask for forgiveness. If you think that person will not be open to listen to you. you can try to express yourself to him in writing.

EXAMPLES OF RESENTMENT; Recognize, Resentment In Sentences And Phrases

To summarize and make everything explained about the meaning of resentment easier , let’s look at some examples.Let’s suppose a child who suffered bullying from a classmate and we reviewed the sentences of his internal dialogue.This is very clear, the person was subject to loads, jokes, and even blows. Has been harmed by the actions of another person.

Analyze the phrases in the following inventory and see what you agree with.

  1. There is nothing wrong with talking badly about people that I do not like.
  2. No matter how hard I try, I do not get what I deserve.
  3. I know that people criticize me behind my back.
  4. There are people who put me in a bad mood just by looking at them or thinking about them.
  5. People who are too kind always look for something.
  6. When someone wants to send me, I act the other way around what he wants.
  7. There are things from my past that I can not forget.
  8. I think I have bad luck.
  9. Most people, they lie very easily.
  10. When I’m arguing, I tend to raise my voice.
  11. Lately I get in a bad mood easily.
  12. It bothers me when I see the nonsense that others do.
  13. I tend to think a lot about what bothers me or hurts me.
  14. If someone hurt me, I criticize it with other people to make it look bad.
  15. Many times, when I argue with someone, I remind them of what they have done wrong in the past.
  16. When a friend or relative fails me, I remind him that I have helped him, when he needed it.
  17. I can forgive someone who hurt me, but I will never forget what he did to me.
  18. Most people do better than me.
  19. It bursts me to make fun of me.
  20. There are a lot of people that I do not like, but I hide it.

If you agree with more than half of the sentences, you may be resentful of one or more people.

Resentment in psychology can be understood through various dimensions. Here’s a guide in a tabular format that breaks down the concept:

Aspect Description Examples
Definition Resentment is a complex emotion involving feelings of bitterness and anger due to perceived unfair treatment. Holding a grudge against someone who received a promotion over you.
Causes – Perceived injustice or unfairness. <br>- Envy or jealousy. <br>- Feeling of powerlessness. – Being overlooked for a reward. <br> – Seeing others succeed with less effort.
Psychological Impact – Chronic stress and anger. <br>- Negative impact on mental health. <br>- Impaired relationships. – Constantly feeling stressed. <br> – Struggling to maintain friendships.
Physical Symptoms – Increased heart rate. <br>- Tension headaches. <br>- Digestive issues. – Feeling physically tense often. <br> – Frequent headaches.
Behavioral Signs – Passive-aggressive behavior. <br>- Withdrawal from relationships or activities. <br>- Verbal outbursts. – Making snide remarks. <br> – Avoiding social gatherings.
Coping Strategies – Mindfulness and meditation. <br>- Cognitive-behavioral therapy. <br>- Expressing feelings constructively. – Practicing yoga or meditation. <br> – Seeking therapy.
Prevention – Developing empathy and understanding. <br>- Maintaining open communication. <br>- Practicing forgiveness. – Trying to see things from others’ perspectives. <br> – Discussing issues openly.

This table outlines the basic understanding of resentment, its causes, impacts, and ways to manage it. It’s important to remember that individual experiences may vary, and professional help can provide personalized strategies for dealing with resentment.

In Conclusion:

Resentment is a powerful emotion that can have detrimental effects on our mental health and overall well-being. Understanding the causes, effects, and strategies to overcome resentment is critical in maintaining healthy relationships and personal happiness. By practicing empathy, open communication, and seeking professional help when necessary, we can release resentment and cultivate a more positive and fulfilling life.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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