10 Principles of Supervision In Education You Must Know

Principles of Supervision are very important for training the young learners.Being a good supervisor you must know these basic principles of supervisor.Here are some universal maxims are discussed which will help you to know how to supervise the people effectively.


Supervision should contribute to the general efficiency and improvement of the school and to the growth of the teachers.


Supervision should be done very sympathy


Supervision implies impartial observation


Supervision should be very comprehensive.

What Can You Do About Principles of Supervision Right Now

Judgment of spirit

Supervisor should try to assess the spirit of a school in addition to its instructional work. This spirit will be reflected by records of staff meetings, programmes of the morning assembly, curricular activities, experimental projects,standards  of discipline, and the human relationship in school.

Respect of Teachers

The individuality of the teacher should be respected.

Detailed Assessment

Supervision should not be cursory in character. The work and ability should not be judged in a few minutes.

No High Expectations

The supervisor should not expect impossibilities from the teachers.

No High Expectations

The supervisor should not expect impossibilities from the teachers.


The supervisor should not hold back praise when it is deserved.

Overall Assessment

Inspection should not be be confined to the four walls of  the school.The work done outside the school should also be assessed


Inspections ’must be planned in advance.

Panel of Experts

The academic work of the school thoroughly checked by a panel of expert supervisor as chairman


Supervision should use systematic m process of evaluation.


Different methods should be used ra approved procedure.

Cooperative effort

Supervisor seeks cooperative effort manipulation of others.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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