Political Theory

Political theory is a model explanation of how power works. In more detail, the explanation of this theory involves a number of variables related to power relations and community organizing.

The description above is a variant of the definition of political theory. Academically, political theory can also be understood as an area of ​​study or discipline that discusses the political system or ideology. Usually at the state level.

In the Merriam-Webster dictionary, definitions of political theory are also categorized into two: first, theories relating to political relations. Second, the branch of political science.

At this point, we can see that the phrase political theory has a broad meaning. First of all it must be emphasized in advance what we want to explain here. As an explanatory model or as a branch of a field of study. The first definition seems more relevant for our use.

Read also Social Systems: Definitions and Examples As an explanatory model, political theory involves the concepts and principles that people use to describe, explain, and evaluate political events and institutions.

In an online forum, Fredrick Dolan mentions political theory as an explanation of politics that is comprehensive and definitive. The idea of ​​this theory does not merely mention and describe variations of political regimes, such as: liberalism, socialism, feminism, Islamism, etc., but also articulates the essence and meaning of these isms.

In classical literature, several philosophers have proposed ideas about how to organize society and what the essence and goals to achieve from such an organization are. For example, Aristotle in his book “Politics” said that a political regime exists to achieve the welfare of living together (the good life).

Meanwhile, Plato in “Republic” elaborated an ideal picture of a state where justice can be done and society can live in harmony. Medieval thinkers in Europe such as Thomas Aquinas, St. Augustine, as well as enlightenment ages such as Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes, JJ Rousseau designed a scheme of how an ideal social contract could be implemented in order to create social and political order.

Also read Social Order: Definition and Examples Some of the classical literature that has been written above arguably contains an explanation of political theory with each of its variants. Political theory is inexhaustible. Some examples of theories that are closer to the contemporary era include John Rawls’ theory in “A Theory of Justice” and Robert Nozick in “Anarchy, State and Utopia”.

So far we can diagnose that the explanation of political theory always transcends one discipline. This theory not only touches on politics but also touches on aspects of morality, history, sociology, biology, and so on.

Also read Political Sociology: Definitions and Objects of Study The ideas that are sparked by political thinkers, especially those mentioned above, produce variants of social and political systems or ideology that are studied in social and political science. If asked about what types of political theory, there will be a lot that can be mentioned.

For example, we can say that democracy is one type of political theory. Democracy is a variant of intellectual thinking about how power is obtained and how society is organized. Furthermore, what do we want to achieve with the creation of a democratic life.

Another example is feminism. We can put feminism as a concept and principle of organizing society. Countries that carry the ideology of feminism create laws to protect women’s freedom, for example. Thus it is clear that political ideology can also be called a political theory.

Also read: Understanding Ideology and Examples Islamism, socialism, liberalism, pluralism, multiculturalism, communism and so on can be called some of the types of this theory. The various ways or models offered by thinkers and intellectuals make it clear that political theory is not singular. Therefore, it is not surprising that the process of implementing this theory is often seen as more of an art than a political practice itself.


by Abdullah Sam
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