What Is Phonetics In Linguistics And what does It Do

Phonetics is a part of science in linguistics which studies physical speech sound produced by human beings .Phonetics is the study of the production of the sounds of language. This science has been derived from the basic physics theory that describes that sound vibrates by moving the air around them. Therefore the sounds of language are created from the vibration of an object that causes the air vibrating. The difference between the sounds of language with other sounds is recognized on the vibrations of human vocal organs.

What Is Phonetics In Linguistics

Sounds of language itself can be divided into three kinds, namely articulatory phonetics, acoustic phonetics and phonetic organist.

 Articulator Phonetics:

 It examines language sounds produced by the human vocal organs. ; it raises these questions how the language sounds made?; what are the classification of the sounds of language are produced and what criteria are used? What are the elements or characteristics suprasegmental, such as pressure, pause, duration, and tone?

Acoustic phonetics:

 The object is the sounds of the language as it spread through the air, there are different elements need to be considered like spectrum, pressure and sound intensity of the wave.

While auditory phonetics examines how language sounds was “accepted” by the ears, so the sounds will be heard and understood.

Phonetics is concerned with how the language sounds is produced or manufactured. In order to be more easily understood, the following is an explanation of the third phonetics by using pictures.

Phonetics Is The Sound OF Science, It Always Make Understanding of Human Speech


For example in English the verb conjugations are much simplified because just add an ending for the third person. The conjugation of verbs in Italian is very complex because each person has a defined type of speech; for example, in the present of the Italian verb to love: I love you, you love him, he loves, we love, you love, they love; in English is all the more simplified, almost all people are equal: i love, i love you , he loves , she loves, loves it, we love, love you, they love also the infinity of all time is formed by adding the phrase “to” in this “to love.

Applications of phonetics include:

Forensic phonetics: the use of phonetics (the science of speech) for forensic (legal) purposes.

Speech recognition: the analysis and transcription of recorded speech by a computer system.

Speech synthesis: the production of human speech by a computer system.

Pronunciation: to learn actual pronunciation of words of various languages.

Practical phonetic Training

Studying phonetics involves not only learning theoretical material but also undergoing training in the production and perception of speech sounds. . Students must learn control of articulator variables and develop their ability to recognize fine differences between different vowels and consonants. As part of the training, they must become expert in using phonetic symbols, usually those of the International Phonetic Alphabet.

by Abdullah Sam
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