Noam Chomsky Biography 10 Real Facts

Noam chomsky Biography is very important for every linguistics student.We will discuss About that. Noam Chomsky was born December 7, 1928; in Philadelphia USA. He is now great American linguist, political essayist, philosopher and theorist. He is a linguist, university professor, writer and political activist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Noam Chomsky Biography 10 Real Facts

He has been member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, member of the National Academy of Sciences, and was awarded ten honorary degrees universities worldwide.He is known as the founder of transformational generative grammar emeritus. He is publicly involved in politics, especially against the war in Vietnam and one of the main critics of USA foreign policy. In 1988, Japan handed him the Kyoto Prize value ($ 350,000) which is similar to the Nobel Prize.

Parents of Noam Chomsky:

He was born in a Jewish family.His father William Chomsky, emigrated from the Russian Empire in 1913. Chomsky’s father was a famous scientist and author of many books on the history and teaching of Hebrew. This is largely determined the Psyche of this Yong boy. Enrolling at the University of Pennsylvania, he began to study, like his father, Hebrew. The first major scientific work of Chomsky was his Master’s thesis morphology in Modern Hebrew.Which, however, remained unpublished.


Chomsky attended the University of Pennsylvania, lives with his parents and teaches Hebrew to pay for his studies. He met at university Zelig Harris, who became his mentor. He was a man of extremely varied interests, a person, according to Chomsky “exceptionally brilliant and original”, which happened to be at that time one of the leaders of modern linguistics

Since 1945, Noam Chomsky studied philosophy and linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania. One of his teachers was Professor of Linguistics Zellig Harris.Chomsky received his doctorate at the University of Pennsylvania in 1955.In his doctoral dissertation, he began to develop some of his linguistic ideas, which are then revealed in detail in the book “Syntactic Structures” in 1957.In 1955, Chomsky received a proposal from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where since 1961 he began teaching linguistics.

It was during this time that he became involved in politics, about 1964 publicly opposed US involvement in the Vietnam War. In 1969, Chomsky published a book of essays about the Vietnam War «American Power and the New Mandarins. The most famous work of Chomsky “syntactic structure” (1957) had an enormous influence on the development of the science of language throughout the world; It is called linguistic revolution.

Work of Noam Chomsky In Linguistics:

When Chomsky starts in linguistics, he rejects all theories then in effect. His research in the field of innate generative structures of language and grammar were completely revolutionizing linguistics deeply influenced disciplines such as psychology, artificial intelligence, and others.

Noam Chomsky Biography 10 Real Facts

His work on generative grammars have contributed significantly to the decline of behaviorism and contributed to the development of the cognitive sciences. In addition to the linguistic work, Chomsky is widely known for his radical left-wing political views, as well as criticism of the foreign policy of the US government. Chomsky himself calls himself a libertarian socialist and a supporter of anarcho-syndicalism.

Works Noam Chomsky had a significant influence on modern psychology. From the point of view of Chomsky’s linguistics is a branch of cognitive psychology. His work “syntactic structure” has helped to establish a new relationship between linguistics and cognitive psychology, and became the basis of psycholinguistics. His theory of universal grammar was seen by many as a criticism of the established while theories of behaviorism.

Being A Language Student You Must know About Biography Of Noam Chomsky

The logical structure of linguistic theory in 1955 (reprinted in 1975) in which he introduced the concept of grammar. The theory considers the expressions (sequences of words), corresponding to an abstract “surface structures,” which, in turn, correspond to the even more abstract “deep structures”.

Transformation rules together with the structural rules and principles described as the creation and interpretation of expressions. With the help of a finite set of grammatical rules and concepts people can create an unlimited number of proposals, including a proposal to create, by anyone not previously made. The ability to structure our way of expression is an inherent part of the human genetic program. We almost do not realize these structural principles; they do not realize most of their other biological and cognitive features.

Universal Grammar theory of Noam Chomsky:

He gave very strong argument about Universal grammar. According to his views, the grammatical principles underlying languages ​​are innate and immutable, and the differences between the languages ​​of the world can be explained in terms of parametric systems of the brain, which can be compared with the switches.

Such an approach, according to Chomsky explains the amazing speed with which children learn languages, similar stages of learning the language a child regardless of the particular language, as well as the types of typical errors that make children assimilate native language, whereas other seemingly , logical errors do not happen. According to Chomsky, Non-creation or the occurrence of these errors indicates the used method: general (congenital) or independent of a specific language.

His work influence on science:

Chomsky’s ideas had a great influence on the scientists who study the process of language acquisition of children, although some of these ideas and do not agreeable, which are based on trying to explain the general processes of information processing by the brain.

Contributions to Psychology 

Works Noam Chomsky had a significant influence on modern psychology [8]. From the point of view of Chomsky’s linguistics is a branch of cognitive psychology His work “syntactic structure” has helped to establish a new relationship between linguistics and cognitive psychology and was the basis of psycho linguistics. His theory of universal grammar was seen by many as a criticism of the established while theories of behaviorism.In 1959, Chomsky published criticism of the work B.f Skinner “Verbal Behavior

This work is in many ways paved the way for the cognitive revolution, changing the basic paradigm of the American behavioral psychology and cognitive.Chomsky notes that an infinite number of sentences that can build people is a valid reason to reject behaviorism concept of language learning through reinforcement. Young children may put new proposals that were not supported by past behavioral experiences. Understanding the language is not so much due to the past experience of the behavior of many so-called mechanism of language acquisition (Language Acquisition Device – LAD),which is the internal structure of the human psyche. The mechanism of language acquisition determines the allowable amount of grammatical structures and helps the child learn new grammatical structures of speech they heard.

Famous linguistics books:

In 1962 he published Current Issues in Linguistic Theory. There “explained for the first time completely, the difference between structural linguistics and generative grammar.” His reputation grew, and in 1965 he published his third influential book (which made ​​school), Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. There firmly laid the foundations of his conviction on cognitive nature of language, attacking the dominant behaviorist model, founded him on the idea that the language was acquired by imitation and conditioning. It marked violently disagreed, saying that “language was based on structural principles, knowledge of which is innate in human beings, part of our genetic nature. What this means is that each of us develops language naturally, in the normal course of things, almost like so does the growth of our arms and our legs.

Contribution in Politics:

Noam Chomsky Biography 10 Real Facts images (4)

Chomsky’s political writings have caused more controversy than his linguistic theories. In this area, he wrote nearly fifty books, including almost half relate to political or ethical problems of American foreign policy, his conduct and how it is reported by the media.

Biography Of Noam chomsky Is Linked With Today’s American Politics

Chomsky was interested in politics all his life, but he began to talk publicly about the problems affecting the in 1964, when he joined the movement against the Vietnam War. He became a popular speaker on college campuses and participated in numerous protest actions.The first book he published was dissident speech the responsibility of Intellectuals, which appeared in the New York Review of Books in 1967 and a collection of essays in 1969.

View on USA Foreign Policy

In that speech, he strongly condemns the members of the liberal intellectual establishment. He sees them as apologists for US foreign policy. This test “Chomsky steered the name at the top of the rebellion of literature pari passu with Thoreau and Emerson.The true nature of the role of the US in the world is distorted and hidden from the American people through the collusion of the media elite, owned by the private sector, federal representatives that protect the interests of the business sector to get re-elected or keep their jobs in the administration.

Chomsky criticized this state of affairs neither the Republicans nor the Democrats: he argues that the two parties are “business parties” (“business parties”), whose leaders, working with business leaders, select the presidential candidates.”Chomsky has also stated that, to that extent,” voters do in fact have little choice, especially because the “favorites” (“front runners”) are referred to more than one year before the actual elections. At the same time, the parties ‘platforms are developed by an elite group, without broad public participation, and the only choice left to voters to ratify (by voting) or not to ratify (in s’ abstaining) the options have been shortlisted.

Present living of Noam Chomski;

Noam Chomsky is now 87 years and still a fervent defender of freedom of expression. Sometimes, according to the journalists, he gives the impression of being bitter and hopeless, but nevertheless it is clear that “the depth and extent of his political thought comes from a commitment it made to reveal the truth any given situation. His modesty about his own work is also well known. For him, his linguistic discoveries are not a revolution; he prefers the term “conceptual change”! Chomsky lives in Lexington, Massachusetts, with his wife, who is also a linguist, whom he married in 1949 and with whom he has three children.

by Abdullah Sam
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