What Is Monitor Theory In Second Language Learning

Monitor Theory plays very important role in second language acquisition and shares a number of the assumptions of the UG approach You must know the effective role of this theory. As with UG, the assumption is that human beings acquire language without instruction or feedback on error. Krashen developed this theory in the 1970s and presented it in terms of five hypotheses.

The fundamental hypothesis of Monitor Theory is that there is a difference between ‘acquisition’ and ‘learning’. Acquisition is hypothesized to occur in a manner similar to L1 acquisition, that is, with the learner’s focus on communicating messages and meanings; learning is described as a conscious process, one in which the learner’s attention is directed to the rules and forms of the language.

The ‘monitor hypothesis’ suggests that, although spontaneous speech originates in the ‘acquired system’, what has been learned may be used as a monitor to edit speech if the L2 learner has the time and the inclination to focus on the accuracy of the message.

You Must Know The Accurate Concept About Monitor Theory In Second Language Acquisition

In light of research showing that L2 learners, like L1 learners, go through a series of predictable stages in their acquisition of linguistic features. Krashen proposed the ‘natural order hypothesis. The comprehensible input hypothesis’ reflects his view that L2 learning, like L1 learning, occurs as a result of exposure to meaningful and varied linguistic input,  Linguistic input will be effective in changing the learner’s developing competence if it is comprehensible (with the help of contextual information) and also offers exposure to language which is slightly
more complex than that which the learner has already acquired.

The ‘affective filter hypothesis’ suggests, however, that a condition for successful acquisition is that the learner be motivated to learn the L2 and thus receptive to the comprehensible input. Monitor Theory has been criticized for the vagueness of the hypotheses and for the fact that some of them are difficult to investigate in empirical studies.

Nonetheless, it has had a significant impact on the field of L2 teaching. Many teachers and students intuitively accept the distinction between ‘learning’ and ‘acquisition’, recalling experiences of being unable to spontaneously use their L2 even though they had studied it in a classroom. This may be especially true in classrooms where the emphasis is on meta-linguistic knowledge (the ability to talk about the language) rather than on practice in using it communicatively.

Monitor Theory in second language learning, developed by Stephen Krashen, is a prominent concept in the field of linguistics and language education. It is composed of five central hypotheses. Here’s a tabular guide to explain each of these hypotheses:

Hypothesis Description
Acquisition-Learning Distinguishes between ‘acquisition’ (subconscious and natural process leading to language fluency) and ‘learning’ (conscious knowledge of language rules). Acquisition is more important for communication.
Monitor Learning acts as a ‘monitor’ or editor to what is acquired, used mainly for correction and editing of language output. Its effectiveness depends on time, focus on form, and knowledge of rules.
Natural Order Language acquisition follows a ‘natural order’ which is predictable and is generally the same for all learners. This order doesn’t necessarily match the order of grammar teaching.
Input Learners improve when they receive language input that is slightly above their current level (i+1). The input should be comprehensible, interesting, and relevant.
Affective Filter Emotional factors (motivation, self-confidence, anxiety) form an ‘affective filter’. When this filter is low, acquisition is more effective as learners are more open to input. A high filter blocks acquisition.

These hypotheses together form the basis of Krashen’s views on how second languages are best learned and taught. The theory emphasizes natural, meaningful interaction in the target language, with less focus on explicit grammar instruction and error correction.


Monitor Theory offers valuable insights into the second language learning process. By understanding the role of the monitor and its impact on language production, educators can design effective teaching strategies and empower learners to monitor and correct their own language output. By striking a balance between acquired and learned knowledge, learners can develop proficiency in their target language and confidently communicate with others.

by Abdullah Sam
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