What Is Internal Communication In Organization With Great Examples

Internal communication is an area of ​​integrated communication that focuses its actions on the employees of a company.It is the  transmission and sharing of relevant and strategic information in a corporate environment .Internal communication refers to those messages sent and received within the organization. Such communication may be either formal or informal. It is formal when the messages are sent through channels of communication developed by management. Much of the communication that goes on in any organization, however, is informal; it does not go through regular channels. Instead, information is exchanged between individuals who. although not formally connected, do interact by telephone conversation, within social or chance meetings, and even on the golf course.

Much of the communication conducted by any organization is with individuals or groups outside the organization. This is external communication, and it may involve any of the many different segments of the public with which the organization interacts.

Advertising is a highly structured form of external communication. It is through advertising that most organizations have the greatest number of public contacts. Whether the approach involves television commercials, printed ads, or brochures sent by the company to persons on a select mailing list, advertising characterizes external communication.

Most external communication is less formal than a company’s advertising, however. The efforts of the management of a plant to keep the neighboring community aware of how the company contributes to the local economy is an example of external communication. While most external communication may not be nearly so highly polished nor so heavily bankrolled as an advertising campaign, external communication has a clear purpose and a target audience that is external to the organization.

When you think of external communication, you probably think of an organization’s planned and purposeful contacts with the outside world. There is another type also. For example, you play many different roles in the course of a day, and the roles are sometimes difficult to separate. For that reason all employees are unofficial spokespersons for their employers. Even though you may seldom talk to outsiders about your work or about your employer, you are still representing your employer.

Internal communication is key to improving the relationship between employees and aligning all sectors of the company.

The concept of internal communication

This exchange can be done either vertically (between superiors and subordinates and vice versa) or horizontally (among employees of the same hierarchical level).Well, this can range from a broader message, such as values, missions, visions, market strategies, and organizational goals.The main objective of internal communication is to  keep employees aligned and engaged with the organization’s objectives, causes and discourses.

The Importance of Internal Communication for a Company

We need to highlight the advantages of having effective internal communication within the company. Check out:

Improve organizational climate

If you’ve ever been an employee, you must have an idea of ​​how  bad a work environment is, when people rarely interact with each other.Through internal communication,  professionals are encouraged to develop interpersonal relationships and the spirit of cooperation .The distances between the departments are reduced and, with this, people can interact more and work in systematically.

Increases internal productivity

Once employees feel engaged with the company’s goals, they strive more to contribute to the organization.Each employee better understands their role within the company, its importance and the impact its work generates on the overall results of the company.

Facilitates the integration of new employees.

Internal communication predicts the organizational climate, it  is essential that new employees should not become isolated and adapt as quickly as possible .It is important that there are no barriers. Thus, newbies will feel more comfortable asking questions, giving suggestions, and getting closer to other people

Reduces the effects of a crisis

When a company goes through a difficult time and decides to change the strategies. It manages to strengthen the union among employees.An example of internal communication  that contributes to the reduction of a  crisis  is the  participation of employees in the strategic decisions of the company.

Create relationship actions and events

To encourage better interaction among employees is promoting internal .This can be done with  lunch together, happy hours, trips to the team (if it is small, obviously) and with celebrations for completing goals.Finally,  these social gatherings are great for bringing employees together and improving their interpersonal relationships.

why is Internal Communication so important in an organization?

Employees are the “best spokespersons” of the institution in which they work. Your opinion about the organization is worth a lot to outsiders. He is the biggest propagandist in his organization. Professor Bueno says that “unhappy, ill-informed employees generate immense losses to organizations because they can express, with more authenticity than other public, the positive or negative values ​​of the organizational culture. It is easy to believe what they say. Internal Communication has an important function in order to circulate new information, to promote debate and interaction between the various segments of the organization and, above all, to enable employees to face new challenges.

by Abdullah Sam
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