What Is HRM(Human Resource Management);10 Objectives You Must Know

The acronym HRM stands for Human Resource Management. Within a company, HR is the department that has the responsibility of selection, hiring, training, remuneration, training and establishment of all communication concerning the employees of the organization.HR Management is an area of ​​study that enables trained professionals to manage people and deal with all issues related to the management of a company.

What Is HRM(Human Resource Management);10 Objectives You Must Know

The HR professional is in charge of managing career plans; determine wage policy, remuneration, incentives and benefits; evaluate the need to hire new employees; develop strategies and operational plans for recruitment.

The main objectives of Human Resources Management are:

  • Create, maintain and develop a group of people with sufficient skills, motivation and satisfaction to achieve the objectives of the organization.
  • Establish, preserve and treasure organizational conditions that allow the application, development and full satisfaction of people and the achievement of individual objectives.
  • Achieve efficiency and effectiveness with available human resources.
  • Increased competition and therefore the need to be competitive.
  • The costs and advantages related to the use of human resources.
  • The productivity crisis
  • The increase in the pace and complexity of social, cultural, normative, demographic and educational changes.
  • Symptoms of alterations in the functioning of workplaces.
  • The trends for the next decade.

Objectives of Human Resources Management

Human Resources Management performs integral management in different functions from the beginning to the end of a working relationship such as:

  • Recruit and select the staff with the selected profile
  • Train and train
  • Evaluate work performance
  • Describe the responsibilities that define each position in the organization
  • Develop programs, workshops, courses, etc., and any other programs that match the growth and improvement of staff discernment.
  • Promote leadership development
  • Offer psychological assistance to employees in order to maintain a harmonious environment among all.
  • Solve conflicts and problems that are provoked in the personnel
  • Inform employees either through newsletters, meetings, memorandums or via emails, human resources policies and procedures.
  • Supervise the administration of the test programs
  • Develop a personal framework based on competences
  • Endorse the variety of jobs as a way or way for a company to succeed in different markets.

Implicit objectives

There are three types of implicit objectives related to human resources: improvement of productivity, improvement of the quality of life at work and compliance with regulations.

  • Productivity
  • Quality of life at work
  • Compliance with regulations
  • Long-term goals.

by Abdullah Sam
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