How To Cook Best Fish Recipes In Order To Make You Healthy

Fish recipes is one of our best sources o f animal protein, as well as a delicious and relatively inexpensive article of diet.Many parts of the world depend largely on fish for vitamins A, B complex, and D , and for the excellent proteins and minerals.which it contains Tropical fruits poi, and plenty of fish formed the main part of the early Hawaiian diet.
All parts of the world have their special seafood that add variety to the diet and contribute to the joy of living
The trout fisherman who flops his breakfast from the stream to his camp stove, then pops it into his mouth really has mastered the principles of flavor and nutrition at their best.

Methods of Cooking Fish

Because fish is a delicate protein food, easily affected by high temperatures or overcooking we must consider our methods of cooking.White-Be-shed fish contains less oil than the darker varieties, so it needs the addition of a little fat m its preparation W hen fish is thoroughly cooked the flesh is flaky and light textured.With the better methods of fast freezing, fish is now available even far from its source. Although it is not quite like fresh fish,it does lend vanety to meals.In all parts of the world, the cooking methods for fish are quite similar in principle Fish is most commonly prepared by boiling, steaming, frying, broiling, or baking.

Basic Recipe for Boiled Fish

  • Tie in cheesecloth and drop into a kettle of boiling water.
  • large chunk fish.
    Lower heat and add.
    Vi bay leaf g tablespoons chopped onion.
    Salt or vegetables (optional).
  • Juice of Vi lemon or 1 teaspoon wine vinegar
  • Simmer 10 to 12 minutes per pound of fish Serve at once with a
  • fart fish sauce (The liquid m which the fish was cooked may be used
  • as the liquid for the sauce Thicken with potato flour )

Poached Fish Recipe

Follow the recipe for Boiled Fish (above), but use a skillet and just enough water to cover Fish may be poached m
White wine and baked in a moderate oven, 350° F , 20 to 25 minutes.

    • Fillet o f Sole in White Sauce.
    • 4 servings.
      Place in a skillet over low heat.
      2 tablespoons beef fat 1 teaspoon chopped onion.
      When the onion is lightly browned, add cup canned consomme Vi bay leaf Vi cup white table wine.

by Abdullah Sam
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