Dog Body Language:Know Sounds And Signals About Dog

Dog Body Language is very important for communication, if you have sweet puppy. Have you ever thought about why your dog shows you strange murmuring sound on the dinner table? Or why he presses the ears, when confronted with a stranger? What does the dog tone of your voice? Most people do not spend lot of time for understanding about dog, such as  wagging tail means “friend” and growl means frown.”But the fact is there are many other signals which you need to understand in order building a healthy relationship with your pet.

Many of our means of communication are not working toward dogs. These tools include sarcasm (to express the frustration), closed gestures (to express feeling uncomfortable), a look of surprise. Thus, to improve communication with our dogs, we need to go back to basic means of communication

Let’s take a further look at these signals are more and more detail, as well as how and why they use when communicating with the dog.

Dogs communicate with their relatives in many ways:

  • using verbal signals
  • language of the body,
  • Expression of the muzzle.


Dog Body Language

It means “get away.” You can see how the dog growls when others interested in his food. Your dog may growl at a stranger who he does not like or you when you’re trying to pick up his toys. This is a very effective way of communicating, and it is a signal, which means that you probably can “negotiate” a toy. When the dog takes an aggressive stance and is silent, it is the most dangerous. At that stage, the dog may bite a person.


Dog Body Language


This usually means that your dog wants something. This is a very interesting sound, as it is a special signal. He knows that if he would bark, he will be punished, but the more “gentle” nagging allows him to get what he wants. For example: if the dog is crazy about chocolate and wants to hear from you sweet little piece of tile. The sound can also be heard when the dog welcomes other dogs or people.


Dogs whine when they are disturbed or injured. Sometimes they attract attention, and enjoy it. For example, a dog is afraid of thunderstorms.


That means disappointment. So the dog “complains” to something.


There are many different types of barking.

  • High barking means excitement and happiness.
  • Low barking means aggression and possibly threatening.
  • Dogs bark to come together to respond to other dogs, to show that they are happy, and to bring people’s attention to the issue.

You Know Understanding Dog Body Language Is positive Connection Between You And Dog Behavior.

 Wagging tail

Dog Body Language

 If your dog wags its tail, then it is likely at this time comfortably and safely. It may be happy to see you, ready to play or just enjoying the moment. If the dog wags its tail at the sound of your voice, it indicates its strong connection with you love to be in your presence.

You must see: different dog wagging tail indicates different emotions. For example, if the tail is slightly wagging, it usually indicates a friendship. If the tail is raised high and has an extraordinary position, and the dog wags is nervous it may be a sign of interest and suspicion, so it is suitable for such a dog should be with caution.

 Dog showing teeth

Open mouth is not necessarily a signal of aggression. Many dogs run and play with his mouth open, this is normal behavior for dogs. If a dog shows his teeth and growl emanating from deep chest with tight position, it is an important warning, which is worth considering.


  • When the dog licks the face of another dog, invites him to play
  • When the dog rests his head on the shoulder of another dog, the sign of courage and passion.
  • When the dog rubs or leans to another dog, communicates friendship
  • When the dog is scratching, it means that it is quiet
  • When the dog sniffs another dog’s ass, he does understand his sex, his age, his state of health


  • When the dog remains immobile and hard place, with tail between legs, the body slightly lowered and his ears back. He is frightened by something.
  • When the dog has the tail semi high, one paw raised and his ears moved forward, showing interest and attention to something.
  • When the dog has the tail semi high, open mouth and the back of the body raised with respect to the front, he is inviting you to play
  • When the dog barks, jumps, his tail high and the front of the body resting on the ground, is inviting you to play.
  • When the dog rests his paw on the knee of his master, he is asking a bit ‘of attention.
  • When the dog rolls on his back, rubbing on the ground, he is happy and cheerful (unless they have itching and he’s doing it for scratching)
  • When the dog rolls on the side and shows the belly, expressed submission.


Dog Body Language

  • When the dog looks straight into the eyes of another dog or a person, he feels confident.
  • When the dog has the eye pupils dilated and eyes wide open, it means that he was afraid or surprised by something.
  • When the dog looks askance, not directly, indicating submission.


  • When the dog has ears relaxed, it is calm.
  • When the dog has ears pricked forward, is a sign of defiance.
  • When the dog has ears back, then it is concerned.
  • When the dog has ears raised, he is careful.


  • If the dog’s tail is relaxed, then it is calm.
  • If the dog’s tail is down, then it is uncertain or worried.
  • If the dog has the tail out and shakes continuously, it is excited.
  • If the dog has the tail out, rigid, and stirs so rhythmic and slow, then it is careful.
  • If the dog has the tail down, between their legs, afraid.
  • If the dog has the tail straight and rigid, then it is on alert.


  • If the dog has the hairs on the shoulders straight, it is ready to attack.


  • If the dog’s mouth is relaxed, the dog is calm.
  • When the dog’s mouth is closed or licks her lips, and then wants to make peace, or is unsure what to do.
  • When the dog yawns does not mean that sleep, but anxiety and nervousness. When the dog yawns is telling us that it needs tranquility and calm.
  • When the dog’s lips curved and shows his teeth and gums, then it is very angry and ready to attack.

Dog Body Language


  • Usually the dog barks to get attention or to declare its possession of the territory.
  • If the dog barks acutely repeatedly, he is worried and wants a bit ‘of attention.
  • If the dog barks once, with a normal voice, it means he is trying to make contact, is attentive and curious.
  • If the dog barks again, quickly and repetitive, with a voice pitched, then either want to play or has found a prey to hunt.
  • If the dog barks repeatedly, with a low tone of voice, it means that you are approaching a stranger, and the dog gets defensive.
  • If the dog howls, trying to get in contact with other dogs.
  • If the dog growls, is a sign of warning and high aggression.
  • If your dog whines or whimpers, then tries to attract attention.
by Abdullah Sam
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