What Is Diathesis;Causes,Diagnosis And Treatment

Diathesis, a constitutional predisposition to a particular disease. The term is particularly applied to inherited or congenital predispositions which may, however, become observable only at a late period of life. Increasing know-ledge of the causes of disease and of natural resistance has led to some extent to the discarding of the older theories of
Diathesis, Thus a person contracts tuberculosis not necessarily because of a constitutional predisposition but from exposure to infection at a time of lowered resistance.

What Is Diathesis;Causes,Diagnosis And Treatment

The same applies with rheumatic infections. Cancer often runs in families, but whether from inhcritcd predisposition or from other factors, such as exposure to similar hazards, cannot be proved until more is known of the aetiology of the disease. The body is endowed with an ability to resist the stresses of faulty function whether these are induced from I within or are the effects of external agencies. There is no doubt that some inherit weaker powers of resistance than others, while the normal power of resistance of others is strained by an inherited functional fault. An inhcritcd insufficiency of the islets of Langerhans, giving rise in due course to diabetes, is an example of the latter. Such a person might be said to have a diabetic D.

The hemorrhagic diathesis of platelet origin can be caused by the existence of an abnormal number of platelets (thrombocytopenia, rarely thrombocytosis) or by alterations in their function.

1. Thrombocytopenia : defined by a number of platelets in the peripheral blood <150 000 / μl .

1) The plants are caused by a decrease in the production of platelets:

a) congenital: rare, sometimes familiar, occur in childhood, p. ex. in Fanconi anemia, Alport syndrome, TAR syndrome (thrombocytopenia with absent radius), dyskeratosis congenita.

b) acquired: they are more frequent; have been related to drugs (myelosuppressants, thiazides, estrogens, interferon), chronic alcoholism, viral infections, vitamin B 12 deficiency or folic acid, bone marrow infiltration (leukemia, lymphoproliferative neoplasms, myelodysplastic syndromes, neoplastic metastases, Gaucher’s disease , tuberculosis), myelofibrosis, PNH, effect of ionizing radiation, aplastic anemia, pure aplasia of the megakaryocytic series, and with cyclic thrombocytopenia (decrease in the number of platelets on a regular basis every 21-39 days, which occurs more frequently in young women).

Diagnosis and prevention of Diathesis

In addition to the physical examination performed by your doctor, ultrasound and tomography are tests that prove and measure the location and extent of diastasis in more detail. These exams are requested by the patient’s medical agreement if they wish to perform the clinical or surgical treatment of the disease.

There are many degrees of diastasis and the treatments are always customized for each case. There may be a hernia at the site of the diastasis that should also be addressed (if indicated).

Unfortunately, it is not possible to prevent diastasis, but keeping spacing between pregnancies for at least two years and performing physical exercises that strengthen the region may reduce chances.

Treatment of Diathesis

Clinically, it is possible to perform treatments with physiotherapist or health professional qualified to guide the strengthening of the affected muscles. Bad exercises performed can cause a worsening of the complaint and so it is crucial to seek expert help.If gestation causes muscle spacing of less than four centimeters, it is often possible to reverse the situation with exercise in up to three months. 

The surgery consists of a transverse cut in the lower abdomen (like a cesarean section) with detachment of the tissue up to the navel level or above if necessary. The muscles are approximated by being fixed by the aponeurosis (a thick skin that covers the abdominal musculature like a tape). This surgery is also esthetic because it decreases the volume of the abdomen and defines the waist of the patient. In these cases it is associated with a mini- abdominoplasty or a classic abdominoplasty.

by Abdullah Sam
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