How to Help A Depressed Person With Do And Don’t?

Helping a depressed person, especially when he refuses any help , is not easy.Unfortunately,one of the features of depression is the loss of confidence, which  drives depressed people to refuse any help because they find it unnecessary. Today, depression affects more than 3 million people (one in five and one in ten) and can affect people of different ages, social environment and lifestyles. This is precisely why depression, often arising from love problems, is generating an increasing interest from the Ministry of Health and Physicians. But what can you do if the depressed person is your companion or companion, a friend or relative? Here’s some advice.

It is very complicated to imagine what a depressed person feels when we have not experienced this ourselves. Here are some ways to better understand this disorder.

If a member of your entourage suffers from this evil: – Be gentle with him, – Do not ask him to be the one he is no longer at that moment, – Valorize each of his actions, – Ask him insist on what might relieve him, -Let him open to you if he wishes, -Demonstrate him your affection by acts: a service, a hug, a mark of affection

All these attentions can make a difference when a person goes wrong. But do not forget your reality is not his, so stick to it even though it may seem illogical or irrational.

Do not judge, just be present. Do not neglect either, take care of yourself because to help someone you have to be yourself well.

Depression is not a fatality, but it is a disarming disaster, and adequate psychotherapeutic management (and in some cases, medication) will help you regain control of your existence and make sense where it no longer seemed to be there have none.

The clouds, however dark they may be, will dissipate. NEVER LOSE HOPE. Asking for help is not a weakness but a proof of courage and willingness to get better.

Main facts (WHO source):

  • Depression is a common mental disorder that affects more than 300 million people worldwide.
  • Depression is the leading cause of disability in the world and contributes significantly to the global burden of the disease.
  • In the worst case, depression can lead to suicide.
  • There are effective treatments to combat it.

What is not to be said And Dont About Depressed Person

 But try to get you on, they all have problems. You have to do it with your own strength. ”

“Come out, see people and you’ll see that you’re going to be better. Of course if you’re always there to complain …… “. “Do something useful, work, and see that everything goes.”

“But look at who is worse than you and have real problems. You have the job, health, you are young ….. What are you missing? ”

“If you’re really bad, you better leave this job (or this relationship or this city …)”.

“Be careful not to become intoxicated, with drugs you never know …”.

“What do you want me to do with a tablet? Yes, it will calm you, you know how sedatives are, but do not think it can solve your problems. ”

“Now you’re okay, so stop taking those pads. Look then you get used to it and you can not do it any more. You will not want to be drugged … “.

What Must be said TO Depressed People

 “Depression is a disease like the other. You can not think of going out alone, without care. And with care, see that in 80-90 percent of the cases you can improve or be as good as before. ”

“It’s not all as black as you seem. They are the depression goggles to see you all in the negative. ” “Look, as long as you’re so bad, do not make any decisions. Do not let go (do not leave, do not sell the house …). It may be that when you are better you see things in another way. ”

“Try to have patience, continue with the care. You know that antidepressants do not take effect immediately. It takes 2 to 3 weeks, sometimes 4. Then you’ll be better. ”

“It’s true, now you’re better off, but to stop the treatment feel the doctor first. These therapies have precise times. You do not have to run the risk of a relapse. Do you remember how you got hurt? ”

The role of others

Always remember that depression is a cure disease . For this reason, it is important to identify as soon as possible the causes of malaise and to block the crisis at birth. As we said, depressive states are generally treated with the help of a specialist, a psychiatrist or a psychotherapist who, for a period of time, prescribes associated antidepressants, possibly in psychotherapy sessions. Even people who are close to the depressed person have an important function in his healing process: help her to accept their illness and sustain a daily basis. The most difficult thing is to understand the depressed, support it and comfort it, avoiding being too abrupt. Even if you have the impression that a depressed person does not want you around, it would be good to resist the temptation to give up, because the right attitude is the calm and patient one.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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