What Is Cystic Acne;Causes And Treatment You Must Know

Cystic acne is a very serious type of acne, in which multiple cysts are formed, and red pustules filled on the outer surface of the skin. These cysts are formed due to the obstruction of the oil ducts, which eventually leads to an infection.


 Causes of Cystic Acne

Determining the root cause of the cystic acne outbreak can help initiate the proper treatment. As the disease varies from one person to another, it is very difficult to distinguish the reasons for the outbreak. The collection of dirt and bacteria on the surface of the skin, which eventually leads to clogging of the pores of the skin is assumed to be the main reason for the breakdown of acne. In women, this disease is very common after pregnancy. This phenomenon can be attributed to the constant hormonal changes that take place inside your body. Some studies have also revealed that cystic acne is hereditary by nature, which means that there are high chances of the ailment that pass from one generation to the next.

The intensity of the cysts formed also depends on factors such as the type of skin and the manipulation of the skin during an acne outbreak. Some people usually try to prick the red pustules to eliminate the pus. The fingers are used to prick the pustules, therefore, it acts as a means, and results in the formation of more cysts, when it comes into contact with the skin. Unnecessary medications can lead to other complications, which eventually result in permanent scarring.

The Treatment of Cystic Acne

The start of basic natural treatment of Acne is relatively cheap, and has fewer side effects. However, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist if the rupture of cystic acne is severe and causes a lot of pain. The administration of some strong medications and the antibiotics recommended by the dermatologist can help get rid of it fairly quickly.

The easiest method to get rid of this painful disease is to follow the clear skin methodology. It is a very useful technique, which helps in the reduction of cysts. It is the preferred method to treat cystic acne, in which certain chemical substances or medications are used to clean the skin. As this ailment is caused by obstruction by dirt, a cleanser can also be used to clean the skin. The chosen cleaner should not be very dry or rough, and should be applied gently over the infected areas. If the minimum content of skin oil decreases, the breakdown of acne can aggravate it further. Benzoyl peroxide is one of the most commonly used chemicals.

Another method of treatment of cystic acne is known as the shell formula, which helps remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin, and cleanses even the deepest part of the skin. This method has the least number of side effects. Many people who have suffered from cystic acne infection have benefited from this method after turning to it.

It is very important to realize that an outbreak of cystic acne is a temporary phase that heals over time. Trying to prick the pustules can lead to permanent scars, as well as bleeding and the spread of the infection. Sometimes, it also leads to the formation of permanent wells on the surface of the skin. It is impossible to eliminate the acne scars that form on the surface of the skin completely, unless you have the option of going for an expensive cosmetic surgery.

by Abdullah Sam
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