What Is Communication Process;Definition With Great Examples

Communication process is recognized as series of steps .There are many different definitions of the communication process, both simple and quite complicated. People have found it difficult to agree on an explanation of the process. One of the myths of communication is that it is a one-way activity in which a sender tries to influence a receiver. Of course, communication does not happen if there is no recipient. For example, if the class is not listening, the teacher is not teaching. Communication is a two-way activity involving both a sender and receiver.

A simple definition of communication could be:

The transmission from one person to another of a message, or ideas, or attitudes, or emotion which is understood by the receiver as the sender intended. Communicating means transmitting and receiving messages and can be accomplished by means of:
– Spoken or written
language , – Sign language , –
Ideas, – Behaviors
and attitudes.

The essential elements for effective communication are:
Sender = It is the one that initiates the communicative process, because it transmits the message.
Receiver = It is the target of the sender, who receives the message.
Message = It can be a fact, ideas or even, emotions, that is, it is the content contained in the communication.
Channel = This is the means by which the message is sent from the sender to the receiver.


Communication Process – Fundamental Elements

Throughout the process of interpersonal communication, these 5 fundamental elements that are related in a dynamic way are always present: emitter, receiver, channel, message and feed-back.

  • The sender is the starting point of the communication process, who transmits the message.
  • The recipient is the recipient of the message, who receives the message.
  • The channel is the medium through which the message is transmitted. It can be face-to-face (air), by letter, telephone, etc.
  • The message is the content of the communication whereas the code used in the transmission of the message is what shapes the communication.
  • The feed-back is the feedback information that is transmitted in response to the initial message.
  • Code the combination of signs used in the transmission of a message

The sender is the one that emits a message in a certain code. The activity of the sender is to translate into a code what will transmit and the receiver’s and receive decode the code used. In the learning process the teacher is the sender and the student the receiver.

The message is the content of communication – what communicates or wants to communicate. The message in teaching is the subject transmitted by the teacher.

Feed back is the response of the recipient. The sender can use feedback to ensure successful communication. If the recipient’s response is inappropriate, the sender may conclude that the communication was unsuccessful and the message was not transmitted. Feedback can be verbal or non-verbal.

When communication takes place through spoken or written language, it is called verbal communication. It is a form of exclusive communication of human beings and the most important in human societies. Other forms of communication that use non-linguistic signal systems, such as gestures, facial expressions, images, etc., are called non-verbal communication.

Some branches of communication are: information theory, interpersonal communication, interpersonal communication, marketing, advertising, advertising, public relations, speech analysis, telecommunications and journalism. The term “communication” is also used in the sense of connecting two points, for example, the means of transport that make the communication between two cities or the technical means of communication.

The Language Function And Communication Process

Every time we speak we use language for a purpose; ask or give information, lie, entertain, convince, move, tell … The functions of the language are many, in fact, every time the function changes, the expressive modalities change.

The classification of functions is based on the fundamental elements of communication:

  • The issuer has the emotional or expressive function , that is, the ability to express judgments or emotions.
  • The recipient has the conative or persuasive function , that is, the one who, receiving a message, can be persuaded, as it happens, for example, in the case of an advertisement, an invitation, a prayer or an order.
  • The message has the poetic function , that is, a detailed treatment of form and style at the expense of practicality and purpose. This function can be associated with poems, songs and everything that responds to an artistic criterion.
  • The channel has the function fatigue , because, during a communication, the speaker controls the channel in order to maintain contact between the transmitter and receiver, or to check if the channel has been correctly selected.
  • The code has the metalinguistic function , which is the task of describing the characteristics and structures of the language itself, such as dictionaries or grammar books.
  • The contact person has the referential or information function that consists in giving information, telling facts or updating on news events and more. It is certainly the widest and most used function of language and is bound to facts or concrete objects.

The communication process can be effectively understood and represented in a tabular format. Here’s a simple guide to explain how it works:

Step Description
1. Sender The person who initiates the communication by conveying a message.
2. Encoding The sender transforms the message into a format suitable for transmission (e.g., words, symbols).
3. Message The actual content being communicated, after encoding.
4. Medium/Channel The means through which the message is sent (e.g., spoken words, email, text).
5. Receiver The person or group who receives the message.
6. Decoding The process by which the receiver interprets and understands the message.
7. Feedback The receiver’s response to the message, sent back to the original sender.
8. Noise Any external or internal factors that can distort or interfere with the message’s transmission.
9. Context The environment or situation in which the communication takes place.

This table encapsulates the key components and steps involved in the communication process, from the sender initiating the message to the receiver’s interpretation and feedback, including potential barriers like noise and the importance of context.


Effective communication is a skill that can be honed and refined. By understanding the communication process and implementing effective strategies, you can ensure that your messages are clear, concise, and accurately conveyed. Remember that communication is a two-way process, and active listening and feedback are crucial components. Practice these strategies in your daily interactions, and watch your communication skills flourish.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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