12 Communication Barriers In Workplace And Organization

You must know the Communication Barriers in Workplace And Organization.When communication is misinterpreted or not done between people, there is a “barrier” in the process. Communication problems can generate much more than internal problems in the company.

Here are important Communication Barriers


Inattention, or lack of interest (with poor listening habits), accounts for much of the problem. Competition for attention from all that is going on around us makes it extremely difficult to concentrate solely on communication. People tend to become selective to avoid suffering from information overload.

Poor expression

Messages that are expressed badly fail to communicate.’During the Christmas holidays I was working at a pottery factory. It was the day before the permanent staff were to go on holiday. The person who fires the kilns took two of us through the firing procedure.As he was in a hurry, he only wrote brief notes and did not explain the procedures very carefully.


Emotions often act as communication barriers. When we feel deeply, whether it be hate, fear, love or anger, we cannot communicate coherently. When a discussion gets out of hand because of intense emotion, a cooling-off period is necessary. highly emotional people cannot calm down enough to work out a rational solution to a problem. That is why many industrial disputes take a long time to resolve.

Physical barriers

Physical barriers often cause great difficulties and lead to confused messages. You could no doubt add to this list: competing sounds, poor eyesight, tiredness, inadequate ventilation, stress, poor health and other physical discomforts.

Insufficient warning of change

An insufficient adjustment period leading to change often upsets people. It takes quite a while for all the details of change to sink in because people become emotionally involved.

‘I kept doing jobs only to have them returned for various reasons such as the coding had been changed or the forms had been redesigned. No one ever told me of the changes until after I had done the work.

Individual differences

Everything that makes a person unique affects communication and helps to create barriers. We can break down these aspects into sex, age, confidence level, past experience, education level, race, culture, beliefs, attitudes, perceptual ability and language spoken. Also, there are aspects of language which help to raise barriers – for instance, dialects, the way something is expressed through tone, and the meanings of words and idioms.

Gender differences

Gender differences are often linked with perceived roles and obvious sexism. Sexual discrimination prevails in many companies:

Lack of confidence

Lack of confidence in just one of the communicators certainly affects the process for both sender and recipient.

‘When I started my first job I was instructed by a very sharp and abrupt woman. She would show me what to do in a very basic way and, subsequently, when I made a mistake, she was quite rude. She made me feel inadequate and I lost all confidence.’

Past experience

A person’s past experience can result in an extremely negative attitude. If somebody has made a bad impression on us, we find it difficult to revise that impression later.

‘My supervisor bawled me out for not completing a job in time and really upset me. Now I just don’t like him and I go out of my way to misinterpret his orders. I know it’s wrong, but I get a kick out of it.’

Educational differences

It is very difficult for people of different levels of education to communicate without there being difficulties. The well educated need to express what they have to say simply and clearly, yet without giving the impression that they are ‘talking down’.

‘I’m changing my doctor because when I go to see him he uses great, long medical-sounding words. All he does is bewilder me and make me feel stupid/

Ethnic backgrounds

Because of mistrust and prejudice there is often little real communication between people of different ethnic backgrounds. When peoples of different color, and usually different cultures and languages, have dealings with one another, there is often an undercurrent of antagonism.

‘They know English all right, especially when it’s pay-day, but they won’t speak it.’ Cultural differences and insensitivity Cultural differences, irrespective of race, also intervene. The customs and traditions of various groups are important to them to maintain their pride, but these factors are often disregarded by others.

Personal beliefs

People’s beliefs are part of them, and if anybody upsets those beliefs there is usually a complete communication breakdown. Religion, politics and race relations are often barred as discussion topics, for instance, in organisations like Lions and the Returned Servicemen’s Association (RSA).

‘I told this guy in my soccer team that the Roman Catholic Church was simply a mixture of superstition, fear and ignorance. Now he never passes the ball to me.’

Ingrained attitudes

Many people have such strong, ingrained attitudes to certain topics that they cannot see the other person’s point of view at all.Sometimes it is prejudice about a person’s appearance that ruins communication.

‘That was a slack lecture. He didn’t know what he was talking about and I can’t stand people who wear medallions round their necks.’

Perceptual ability

Perceptual ability varies, because some people are more capable of understanding ideas than others. Quite often the sender does not take enough time to ensure that what he or she means is being understood by the recipient.

Distancing between participants –

The physical distance between participants involved in communication can be a barrier. Although technologies work in favor of exchanges of information, errors can be more frequent and interpretations can be more frequent. Care must be taken when writing an email because the colleague who is reading does not have the correct perception of his intention. It is necessary to write clearly so that there is no distortion.


Solution: In order to solve this barrier, which is one of the main barriers in business communication, it is important to develop a working method in which the collection of information happens assertively, where the channels are well defined.


  • Use appropriate and direct language
  • Provide clear and complete information
  • Use multiple channels to stimulate the receiver’s various senses (vision, hearing, etc.)
  • Face-to-face communication. Note that politicians, in election time, talk about the melee campaign.
  • Active listening . Let’s not let the speakers speak to us. Let us actively participate in communication.
  • Empathy . Placing yourself in the position or situation of the other person in an effort to understand it.

Creating a tabular guide on communication barriers in the workplace and organization involves identifying the key barriers and offering solutions or strategies to overcome them. Here’s an example format for such a guide:

Communication Barrier Description Strategies to Overcome
Language Differences Variances in language can lead to misunderstandings or misinterpretations. Encourage language learning, use clear and simple language, provide translation services where necessary.
Cultural Misunderstandings Different cultural backgrounds can affect communication styles and interpretations. Promote cultural awareness training, encourage open-mindedness, adapt communication to be culturally inclusive.
Technological Challenges Issues with technology can hinder effective communication. Ensure reliable technology is in place, provide training on technological tools, have backup communication methods.
Physical Barriers Physical separation between individuals can reduce the effectiveness of communication. Use video conferencing tools, encourage regular face-to-face meetings, create open office spaces.
Emotional Barriers Personal feelings or biases can affect how messages are sent and received. Encourage a supportive and open environment, provide training on emotional intelligence, promote active listening.
Hierarchical Barriers Organizational hierarchy can intimidate employees or limit open communication. Promote an open-door policy, encourage feedback at all levels, reduce power distance in the organization.
Information Overload Excess information can overwhelm and confuse. Prioritize and filter information, encourage concise communication, use visual aids for clarity.
Lack of Feedback Absence of feedback can lead to uncertainty and repetition of errors. Encourage and provide regular feedback, create a culture of constructive criticism.

This table is a basic framework and can be customized or expanded based on specific organizational needs and circumstances.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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