5 Characteristics Of Good Listener In Business And Organization

Characteristics Of Good Listener are being discussed here.It is said; Good listener is also good speaker. A large pan of communication process of becoming a good listener is the ability to recognize and correct existing poor habits, such as thus discussed in the accompanying Career Skills box. Good listeners acknowledge their faults and resolve to correct them. a considerable task for most of us. You won’t become a perfect listener over- night, but you can certainly begin the process by working on good listening skills such as a positive attitude, Openness, involvement, and retention.


These Characteristics Of Good Listener will Reveal The Fact;How You Can Improve Your Listening Skill

Positive Attitude.

Good listeners expect to learn something. In a sense they’re listening selfishly They’re thinking. “What’s in this for me? what can I learn that may help me?’ They are Milling to make the mental effort to listen hard because of the potential rewards. For example, college students listen closely to lectures to earn higher grades; employees listen carefully to instructions from supervisor so that they can do their jobs better and earn promotions: company representatives listen attentively to their customers to discover how to retain their business. The first step to good listening is acknowledging that listening is a valuable information- gathering activity.


Listening effectively requires an openness to new ideas. Good listeners are aware of internal feelings. attitudes, and prejudices that might block alter- native In communicating with people from Other cultures, good listeners try to look beyond their own narrow cultural values. They’re tolerant and patient- Like Andrea Ciliello they understand that there are two sides to every Story’. Instead Of tuning out With thoughts like “That S not the way we would do it where I come from” or “M”hat stupid idea,” good listeners continue listening. Moreover, they are not distracted by a speaker’s emotional words, offbeat appearance, or quirky speech habits. Considerable mental effort is required to concentrate on the mes- sage despite verbal and nonverbal “noise” in the communication process.


Good listeners get involved in the listening process. They show commitment to the speaker non-verbally with steady eye contact. an alert body. and undivided attention. They refrain from distracting activities—fidgeting, playing With a pen or key, shifting in the chair, or trying to finish another task While listening. Recall how Andrea Ciriello blocked out all distractions to focus her attention on a caller, Good listeners also get involved by politely asking clarifying questions that do not attack the speaker. Instead Of saying “But I don’t understand how you could say that,- a good listener seeks clarification by saying “Please help me stand by explaining more about .


An important aspect Of listening is retaining what is said. One way to increase retention, particularly of complex data, is to separate the central idea. key points, and details. Sometimes the speaker’s points are easy to recognize; other times, the listener must supply the organization. Another way to improve retention is paraphrasing. which involves silently rephrasing and summarizing a message in your words. Effective listeners do this during lag time—the pause that naturally when the listener is waiting for the speaker’ next idea. A final technique for improving retention is selective note taking. Listeners jot down key pints, especially if they know they responsible for the information later.

Sure, I can provide a guide on the characteristics of a good listener in business and organizational contexts in a tabular format. Here it is:

Characteristic Description
Attentive Actively pays attention to the speaker, not distracted by external factors or internal thoughts.
Empathetic Understands and relates to the speaker’s feelings, emotions, and perspectives.
Patient Allows the speaker to express themselves without rushing or interrupting.
Open-Minded Listens without prejudice, willing to hear and consider different viewpoints.
Nonjudgmental Avoids forming hasty opinions or judgments about the speaker or their message.
Feedback Provider Gives constructive feedback and asks clarifying questions to ensure understanding.
Reflective Thinks about what has been said to fully understand the message.
Body Language Awareness Uses appropriate non-verbal cues (nodding, eye contact) to show engagement.
Confidential Keeps sensitive information heard in the conversation private and secure.
Responsive Responds appropriately to the speaker, showing that their message has been received and understood.

These characteristics are essential for effective communication and relationship building in any business or organizational setting. Good listeners not only understand the content of a conversation but also the context and the speaker’s intentions, which is crucial for successful interactions.


Being a good listener is a valuable skill that can greatly benefit individuals and organizations. By developing the key characteristics discussed in this article, you can create a more inclusive and supportive environment, leading to improved communication, collaboration, and overall success. So, start honing your listening skills today and experience the positive impact it can have on your professional life.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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