10 Characteristics of Education In Our Life

Characteristics of Education, is very important  topic for every country.The aim of education is the development of the mental faculties. As these faculties are developed, new aims, new ideals and aspirations are revealed to us. We at once find out the great difference these ideals and the facts surrounding us: we find also the difficulty of realizing our aspirations. Surely education is responsible for this discontent. A who  has not got the light of education can never feel this. He always say “it is folly to be wise”, because to him “ignorance is bliss”.

The Characteristics of Education Is To Broaden The Mind And Set Before It Ideas.

Education is a process through which knowledge , cognitive abilities, values, skills, among other aspects of human development , are acquired .Access to education is a fundamental right for all human beings , which is why all the States of the world establish educational policies that tend to develop the capacities of the individual, through different learning methodologies, understanding that it is fundamental in the evolution of a country.

Education is characterized by being:

  • A right of every person .
  • A social process, that is, outside the social sphere no one can acquire education.
  • A socialization system that allows incorporating the customs of a culture .
  • A continuous learning process.
  • A learning system through observation , critical thinking and drawing conclusions on your own.
  • A discipline that transmits the values ​​and accumulated knowledge of a society .
  • A guide in the learning process that stimulates the development of skills and affects the behavior of a student.
  • Formal, informal, face-to-face or remote, among other modes.
  • Trainer of the student’s attitude.
  • An instrument of subsistence of the human being , from the social, emotional and labor aspect.
  • A way to promote participatory democracy.

Always keep improving

This is one of the most recognized characteristics of education, since this system is a process that always seeks to improve and perfect strategies to educate. The way to obtain and develop the maximum capacities is sought.

is influential

Education is always looking for alternatives that influence the learner to improve their abilities by themselves, taking into account what is taught.

it’s intentional

It refers to the fact that education is a process that is organized and planned in a conscious and intentional way, with the aim of achieving a positive result.

Addressed to rational beings

It seeks to achieve through education the development of various faculties, such as intelligence, affectivity, will, physical faculties, etc.

Characteristics of formal education

It is also known as regulated training . Formal education is the one that is usually carried out between teachers or professors who are professionals. To carry it out, tools proposed by pedagogy are used, which allows the objectives to be achieved. This education ranges from childhood to adulthood, thus having various levels that correspond to pre-primary, primary, secondary and university,

  • It is based on a graduated and systematized process.
  • It is part of an administrative and academic model.
  • It is carried out in periods established chronologically.
  • It is presented in an organized way in educational levels and school grades.

Characteristics of informal education

Informal education is known as the continuous and spontaneous learning process, which takes place outside the formal and non-formal framework.

  • It is involuntary
  • spontaneous.
  • It lasts for life.
  • It is learned in any place or time.
  • It happens through the interaction of man with the environment that surrounds him.

Characteristics of non-formal education

Non-formal education refers to the learning that is received by carrying out different daily activities that are related to family, entertainment or work.

  • It takes place outside the school and official area.
  • It’s not mandatory.
  • It manages to develop skills and expand knowledge through training activities that are planned and organize

Types of education.

The types of education can be: formal , in officially recognized institutions; non-formal , in academies or authorized institutions but without official recognition; or informal , which occur in certain social groups, such as in the family, in amateur groups, among others.

Among the main types of formal education are:

  • Child education. It consists of the initial education of children, which is provided from the home, the family and from institutions, such as kindergartens and kindergartens.
  • Primary education. It consists of basic education for life in society, in which you learn to speak correctly, write, perform mathematical calculations and acquire knowledge of general culture.
  • Secondary education. It consists of secondary education that offers more complex knowledge that allows access to higher education or, in case of not continuing with studies, offers basic knowledge to access the workplace.
  • Bachelor’s or higher education. It consists of tertiary, higher or university education of specialized professional training in a particular discipline.
  • Postgraduate education. It consists of higher education with a degree called master, magister, master’s degree or postgraduate degree of greater specialization than higher education. The total time of the course is usually short, between one or two years compared to a degree course that usually lasts four or six years

Conclusion About Characteristics of Education

From what has been said it will be clear that with the spread of education there comes a divine discontent which lies at the foundation of all progress and development. It is the presence of this noble craving that raises man on high. True education will teach us to live e an ideal life.

Far from multiplying our wants, it will teach moral and spiritual economy, will reduce our wants and set before us the ideal of plain living and high thinking. With the wants of life thus reduced, with energy thus saved, the truly educated man applies himself to satisfy the divine discontent and extend the bounds of human knowledge and human happiness.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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