Banana Diet

What is the banana diet The banana diet or “Morning Banana Diet” is a diet aimed at weight loss . To invent it (in 2008) was Sumiko Watanabe, a pharmacist from Osaka, who experimented …

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Minestrone diet

What is the Minestrone Diet?ClassificationFunctionalityNutritional aspectsFundamental points What is the Minestrone Diet? The minestrone diet was born in the United States of America, developed by a cardiologist surgeon at the Sacred Memorial hospital in …

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Honey Diet

What is it about?What to Eat in the Honey Diet?Comment ATTENTION! The first two paragraphs of this article are limited to describing as faithfully as possible the ” Honey Diet” system ; the author’s …

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Lemon Diet

PremiseLemon Diet: How Many Are There?Lemonade Detox Diet or Master CleansePrinciples and LimitationsOrganization of the DietDetox Lemonade RecipeHealthy comment Premise It is essential to start the article with a premise …

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