What Is Brimonidine;Pharmacological Properties,Uses,And Side Effects

Brimonidine is a medicine known commercially as Alphagan.This ophthalmic drug is indicated for the treatment of glaucoma and ocular hypertension.Brimonidine decreases tear production and increases uveoscleral flow.Its action is fast, and the improvement of the symptoms can be observed 2 hours after the taking the medicine.

What Is Brimonidine;Pharmacological Properties,Uses,And Side Effects

Pharmacological Properties Of Brimonidine

Brimonidine dextrotartrate is a potent selective alpha-2 adrenergic agonist. The chemical name of brimonidine dextrotartrate is 5-bromo-6- (2-imidazolidinylideneamino) quinoxaline L-tartrate. The molecular weight of the tartrate salt is 442.24, being soluble in water (34 mg / mL). The molecular formula is C 11 H 10 BrN 5 .C 4 H 6 O 6

How to Use Brimonidine

Ophthalmic use


  • Apply 1 drop of Brimonidine to the affected eye 2 to 3 times a day.The usual dose is 1 drop,which is applied in the affected eye (s) three times daily at approximately 8-hour intervals between doses.

Contraindication of Brimonidine Dextrotartrate

This medication is contraindicated for patients with hypersensitivity to any component of its formula. It is also contraindicated for patients on medicinal products containing monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), such as certain antidepressants (iproniazide, asocarboxazid, nialamide, phenelzine, tranylcypromine and seleginine).

  • This medicine is contraindicated for children under 2 years of age.
  • Risk category in pregnancy B.
  • This medicine should not be used by pregnant women without medical advice or by the dentist

Precautions for Brimonidine Dextrotartrate

Although brimonidine dextrotartrate has had minimal effect on blood pressure and heart rate but it should be used with caution in people with severe cardiovascular disease. It should also be used with caution in people with depression, cerebral or coronary insufficiency, Raynaud’s phenomenon, orthostatic hypotension or thromboangiitis obliterans, among others. Late ocular hypersensitivity reactions have been reported with brimonidine dextrotartrate, with some reports associated with an increase in intraocular pressure.

Brimonidine Side Effects

Dry mouth; redness in the eyes; burning and burning of the eyes; blurred vision;sensation of foreign body presence; allergic reaction in the eyes; itchy eyes;Headache; tiredness; somnolence.

by Abdullah Sam
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