6 Benefits For Having Tonic Water In Your Life

Benefits For Having Tonic Water is pure. It comes after the bickering for poppy petals in the salad.The Tonic water with fresh bitter oranges is very tasty, perhaps too sweet for consumption of the cocktail.Though we are continually hearing of new medicines and new tonics, few are more health-promoting or invigorating than the cold water tonic. It is a tonic which has been in use for hundreds of years, yet it is new to most people today. It is. suitable for almost everyone.

The best time to take it is on a warm summer morning when you are feeling your best; but you may start even in January, if you follow the directions well.

No-one whose body is not thoroughly warm, or who feels chilly, should take any cold water application. This rule should never be transgressed.

IS TONIC WATER Good Or bad for you? Get the facts here.

Water Tonic for the Healthy.

Have the bathroom or bedroom warm to start with. It is good to take your tonic when you rise, so that you will be really warm from having been in bed.

The whole-water tonic is for the whole body which should be washed very quickly. Exclude the head, but include the face and ears. Use a coarse, rough towel, dipped in warm water, but gradually using cooler water after the first two weeks until you are able to use it completely cold. The towel should, of course, be wrung well out before use.

Wash the chest, abdomen, back, neck, ears, and face. Quickly wring out the towel, then wash the arms and legs. Slip on your pajamas and jump back into bed for fifteen minutes until you are warm and cosy. This procedure of not-drying has a grand effect, but should not be used more than twice a week. It is a powerful stimulant.

If your time is limited, however, take the milder form. It is the same procedure, except that you dry yourself with a rough towel, and then dress quickly instead of going to bed damp. This milder treatment may be used daily.

Remember that this tonic does not need to be taken when you rise. Any time of the day will do. But be sure you are thoroughly warm on starting, and warm again after vigorous rubbing.

Water Tonic for the Sick. 

The main point to be observed in the water tonics for the sick is that no part of the body, even the soles of the feet, be neglected, but that the entire surface of the body be touched quickly and equally by the water.Let the patient sit up in bed, or, if very weak, be supported by someone. Quickly wash and dry the back all along the spine and shoulders. This is done in a few seconds, and the patient may then lie down again. Wash the chest and abdomen, face and neck, and cover the patient immediately. Then, uncovering one arm at a time and one leg at a time, complete the wash. With the mental co-operation of the patient, this procedure may be accomplished quickly, and will help to equalize his circulation, and so hasten his recovery.

If a person is seriously ill, two are three partial washes may be applied. For instance, wash the arms and chest in the morning; and then in the afternoon wash the back and feet. Alternatively, you may wash the chest in the morning, arms and legs at noon, and the back at night.A quick, careful wash will never do any harm, even if the water is quite cold; but one may start with lukewarm water, and gradually make it each day a little cooler, until quite cold.

The Warm Bath.

Ideally, a warm bath should be taken twice a week for cleansing purposes, for the pores of the skin tend to become dogged, and the skin is consequently hampered in its task of throwing off impurities.After a warm bath, one should take a quick cool wash to close the pores of the skin. Too many warm baths, without the cool afterward, tend to relax the body too much.


Clothing is an important factor in vigorous circulation. Next to-the skin, it is preferable to have cotton underwear rather than wool, as wool does not absorb the perspiration and impurities from the skin as well as cotton does. Cotton therefore, most readily assists m its work of body-cleansing, thereby keeping the circulation strong.

No straps, garters, belts, or any article of clothing should be tight. A tight strap over the shoulder will slow the circulation down in the arm, creating a tendency to rheumatism in that arm. All clothing should be loose. Nothing should be a weight to the hips. Tight corsets should never be used except for a short period, and then only by prescription of your physician. They are a hindrance to proper circulation and good digestion.If you try these simple measures, you will never need a second recommendation. Their beneficial effect is sensed immediately.

by Abdullah Sam
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