Aniseed Properties And Benefits For Health

Aniseed is, naturally enough, the seed of the anise plant, Pimpinella anisum. Other parts of the plant have been used, by herbalists and in the kitchen, but it is for its seed that it has always been valued  so much.Although they can be used for flavouring bread, pies, pickles, etc., it is preeminently when chewed in isolation that the seeds release their full, rather liquorice like pungency. Used as a digestive, for sweetening the breath, or simply for its pleasant flavour, aniseed was as early as the fourteenth century made into comfits – that is, encrusted in successive layers of sugar until it formed a small sweet – ancestor of the modern aniseed ball.

Aniseed Properties And Benefits For Health

Characteristics of Aniseed

The anise  ( Pimpinella anisum ) is an annual living herb which can reach heights from 60 to 80 cm in optimal conditions. This plant has a thin cylindrical stem, which rises in its highest parts. At the end of its stems you will find its small, white flowers grouped in small cluster.

Anise is one of the oldest medicinal plants known, and many of its components have beneficial properties for health. Here are the following:

  • Its properties can be highlighted as carminative and digestive , they help improve digestion, help to expel gases and improve stomach tone, thus ensuring better digestion. It also relieves heartburn and gastritis.
  • It also serves as an expectorant,  which helps to release excess fluid in the respiratory tract. Helps in respiratory problems such as cough, flu and asthma.
  • In women, anise has a galactogenic effect , that is, it increases the secretion of milk, which can be beneficial in breastfeeding. It is also known that anise helps women to have more regular periods and reduces the pain caused by colic.
  • It also works as an anxiolytic,  that is, it suppresses anxiety and restlessness naturally.
  • Anise is recommended in cases of lack of appetite , gastrointestinal spasms, excess gas ( bloating ), bad breath ( hyalitosis ), catarrh and other respiratory problems. In women it is widely recommended during the stage of lactation and to regulate the menstrual cycle.
  • It is important to note that the excessive use of anise can be toxic, so it should not be administered excessively. It is recommended to go with a doctor to prescribe an ideal dose.

Home Remedies And Uses Of Aniseed

  • Infusion. It can be prepared with an aniseed fruit and a cup of water. First the water is boiled and then the fruit is added to prepare an infusion. Its effects can be reinforced by adding a few drops of anise tincture.
  • Essence of anise. You can directly supply anise essence, from 1 to four 4 drops in a lump or spoonful of sugar. You can repeat this up to 3 times a day, being the ideal time after the meal.
  • Tincture of anise. It is prepared with 70 ° alcohol and its preparation takes 10 days. It is then filtered and should be kept in a bottle in a cool, dry place. It is administered in drops.
  • Anise liqueur A traditional drink from Spain which is obtained through a simple distillation or maceration process.


by Abdullah Sam
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