What Should be The Aims And Objectives of The School Education

Aims And Objectives of The School Education are discussed in this article. Some important objectives of school are increasing the ability to plan, design, evaluation and control;

Aims And Objectives of The School Education

  • improve the quality and effectiveness of services and availability of education and training;
  • facilitating the access to all to education and training systems;
  • open to the wider world of education and training systems.

Stated in terms of the broad social objectives of education, the aims of the elementary school are to advance the child (1) in his control over health, (2) in his command over the fundamental processes, (3) in his knowledge, habits, and ideals of community and home life, and (4) in making wise use of leisure.

1. Control over health.

The knowledge to be gained consists chiefly of practical facts about food, air, sunshine, water, clothing, exercise, rest, sanitation, first aid, accident prevention; the causes, effects, and means of avoiding preventable diseases; and the elementary anatomy and hygiene necessary to an understanding of these matters. The habits to be formed are personal, relating to diet, drinking water, bathing, brushing the teeth and hair, elimination of waste from the body, posture, exercise, sleep, and clothing; and social, evidencing cooperation.

plays and games, leadership, wise choice of leaders, good follower-ship, and the acceptance of personal responsibility for high standards of cleanliness and sanitation in the home, school, and community. The ideals to be developed are those of health, personal and community (physical, mental, and moral), and of cooperation, courage, fair play, and individual responsibility.

2.Command over the fundamental processes.

Control over the fundamental processes implies an acquaintance with the tool subjects such that the child is able to read, write, and speak the English language with reasonable facility and use the elementary processes of arithmetic with reasonable speed and accuracy. The knowledge, habits, skills, and ideals to be gained in the field of English are almost inseparable for the purposes of this discussion.

By the end of the third year the pupil has acquired a knowledge of the mechanics of handwriting. He memorizes at least one poem a month during the entire elementary-school period and through recreational reading during the last three years becomes familiar with at least twenty-four books of literary merit but within his ability to comprehend and enjoy. At the close of the sixth year the pupils should have the ability.

1. To express clearly and consecutively, either in speech or in writing, ideas which are entirely familiar to them.

2. To avoid, both in speech and in writing, gross incorrectness of grammar.

3. To compose and mail a letter, using a form acceptable for general purposes.

4. To spell the vocabulary which they commonly write and to make sure of new or doubtful words.

5. To read silently and after one reading to reproduce the substance of a simple story, news item, or lesson.

6 To read aloud readily and intelligibly news items from the school paper, lessons from the textbooks being used, or literature of such difficulty as “Paul Revere’s Ride” or Dickens’s “Christmas Carol.”

7. To quote accurately and understanding^ several short poems such as Bennett’s “The Flag Goes By” and Emerson’s “The Mountain and the Squirrel.”

8. To make intelligent use of ordinary reference books.

By the end of the sixth year children should be able to write with pen or pencil rapidly, legibly, and easily, using an accepted commercial style of handwriting. The typewriter, which is used today even in bookkeeping, has made unnecessary any very high degree of skill in handwriting.

Knowledge, habits, and ideals of community and home life. Geography, history, literature, current events, and the organization of the school itself furnish the subject matter for community life. The pupil in geography studies first his own community to learn what the people are doing, why they are engaged in these activities, and what kind of people they are.

The aims and objectives of school education can vary somewhat depending on the educational system and cultural context, but there are several universal goals that most schools strive to achieve. These include:

  1. Knowledge Acquisition: Providing students with a broad base of knowledge in subjects like mathematics, science, language arts, social studies, and more. This not only includes facts and concepts but also understanding and application.
  2. Skill Development: Fostering a range of skills including critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and interpersonal skills. This also involves developing digital literacy and other 21st-century skills necessary for success in a rapidly changing world.
  3. Personal Development: Supporting the personal growth of students by helping them develop self-confidence, resilience, empathy, and ethical values. This aspect of education often involves encouraging creativity, curiosity, and a love of learning.
  4. Socialization and Citizenship: Preparing students to be responsible citizens and active participants in society. This includes understanding civic responsibilities, appreciating diversity, and developing a sense of community and social awareness.
  5. Career and College Preparation: Equipping students with the knowledge and skills necessary for higher education and future career paths. This may include providing guidance on college selection, vocational training, and career planning.
  6. Physical and Emotional Well-being: Emphasizing the importance of physical health, mental health, and emotional well-being. This can involve physical education, health classes, and support services such as counseling.
  7. Environmental Awareness: Educating students about environmental issues and the importance of sustainable living, fostering respect and responsibility for the natural world.
  8. Global Competence: Preparing students to live and work in a globalized world, which includes learning about different cultures, languages, and global issues.

These objectives aim to create a holistic educational experience that prepares students not just academically, but also personally and socially, for the challenges of adult life and the demands of a global society.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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